Wisdom Grace


Brahim M.Kallon

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Unlock the power of vision in your life with our inspiring journey through the lessons of Habakkuk. We’re not just reading ancient scripture; we're tapping into a source of profound wisdom that can revolutionize the way you face injustice, set goals, and lead in every sphere of your existence. This episode is a deep exploration of the personal and collective visions that drive us, and how we can articulate these visions with clarity and conviction to make an impactful change in our surroundings.

Have you ever felt the frustration of a dream deferred or the sting of inaction in the face of societal challenges? We tackle these very issues head-on, discussing the critical steps of writing down your vision, communicating it effectively to those in your circle, and the transformative influence it can have when shared with conviction. We'll guide you through the intricacies of delegation, the importance of alignment with a greater good, and the fortitude required when facing mockery or doubt. Our conversation is an intimate reflection on the art of leadership and the journey of personal growth.

This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a call to action. Embracing the waiting periods as opportunities to hone our skills, we examine the stories of biblical figures and modern-day achievers alike, illustrating the unyielding faith and preparation needed to excel. By framing problems as opportunities for prayerful solutions, we encourage you to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. Join us as we affirm the importance of a vision propelled by faith, ensuring your life's journey is as purposeful as it is powerful.

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Brahim M Kallon:

share with you on a topic today have a vision. Do you have a vision for your life? If you don't know where you're going, you're stuck in life. If you don't know your future, you don't know where you're going. You see, god is a God of the future. God is a God of of tomorrow. He knows what tomorrow is going to look like. He knows what the future is. Before I actually focus on my sermon, have a vision. I like to always let people know that my focus is really for you and I to become Bible students.

Brahim M Kallon:

I don't want to just take something out of context. I want us to really observe the content of the book of Habakkuk and bring it into our day and time, into our contemporary time. How it can be applicable. I believe that the word of God is timeless. I believe that the word of God is practical. I believe that the word of God is so much truth principles that we can apply that are universal, no matter the time. Amen. But we need to understand the context.

Brahim M Kallon:

When it was written, abacus, chapter 1, verse 1 the burden which the prophet abacus saw. This is very, very important. The burden. Some other translation used the word boarding to refer to the oracle, some translation vision which prophet abacus saw. So chapter one, just an outline, talks about the burden. This is the first complaint of the prophet complain about the injustice and social heals of the land of Judah. That's pretty much what the book of a backup, chapter 1, focuses on a backup complain to God about injustice and social heals of the land of Judah. And then he gave us a list of some of the social heals. I'm not gonna read everything you have iniquity, trouble, plundering, violence, strife, contention, lawlessness, the wicked, perverse judgment, perverse justice. So we see all of these things happening right now in our lifetime. So we have the right to complain to God. That God, look what's happening in our generation transgender Nizam, our children being forced into sexual content, perversion of justice, violence, good, why did you allow me to see this burden? Why did you expose me to see these certain things? Sometimes God expose you and I in trouble. Sometimes God expose you and I to see things. That God, why would you allow me to see this? So the prophet is actually saying that God, why did you allow me to see this burden? I cannot bear to see this burden. My heart aches to see this burden. What is going on? He's complaining to God and then, if you continue to read chapter 1, the Lord's first response. So we see that a backup complain first, and then God replied to a backup and the reply of God is that's a backup.

Brahim M Kallon:

Chapter 1, verse 5 look what it says look among the nations and watch. So okay, man of god, I want you to look among the nations and watch. He was a watchman. Be utterly astounded.

Brahim M Kallon:

I'm reading from the new king james version, for I will walk and walk in your days again. Mark this, this word work, it's essential work. I will work and work in your days. You have brought your complaints to me, man of god. Guess what I'm gonna do? I want you to look among nations again. These were social hills and and injustice not only happening in the land of judah, they were also happening all over the world. That's exactly what we're seeing right now injustices, social hills affecting our world, corruption, deceits, sexual perversion, everything. I will work and work in your days, which you will not believe, man of God. Wow, though it were told you. For indeed, I am raising up the Shalindians. So God said okay, I'm gonna do a work for you, and the work that I'm gonna do, I am gonna raise up another nation.

Brahim M Kallon:

The Shalindians were babylonians and I will use this nation to punish your country. You might wonder, man of god. But how can god use a wicked nation to punish a nation? Sometimes god uses evil things to punish evil, just like you. You, if you want to do good, you do good. You use good things to reward goodness. So if you want to, if you want to punish evil, just like you, you, if you want to do good, you do good. You use good things to reward goodness. So if you want to, if you want to punish evil, you use use evil things. So god said to abacus I'm gonna raise up the shillelands, the babylonians, to punish my people. Judah that's God's response. God's agent of punishment, judgment and justice on Judah, is going to use another nation. What on God's people?

Brahim M Kallon:

And if you continue to read chapter 2, the Bible lists the type of nation the Shilindian. Sometimes we, as a nation, we carry an attribute like, for example, in africa um, there's an attitude among sierra leoneans, there's an attitude among ugandans, there's an attitude or particular action that we can generalize cameroonians or congolese. So god, god gave a list of actions and and characteristics that you can identify that describe who the shillindians are. They are hasty, they are very quick, they rush things, they are very bitter, they're angry people, they are terrible. Can you imagine God is the one telling his servant who these people are? They are terrible, they are dreadful, they are violent, they are mockers, they are proud. And this is what God is going to do, the work that God is going to do to raise up a nation to punish God's people. And god described the type of people these people are. Oh my god, they are wicked, they are terrible. Amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

And now we're still focusing on chapter one, prophet abacus, second complaint. So, okay, god, I complained first. He responded by telling me that you're gonna give, you're gonna do a work, you're gonna raise up a nation to punish my people. Now the second complaint on the wickedness of the shalindians. If you continue to read that same chapter, the man of God knew about this nation, about the wickedness of people. He described the wickedness as like, as like men treating other human being like fish. Can you imagine, using a fish net as an illustration, how people treat people like fish, using a net to hook a fish from the water? The wickedness of people, the wickedness of people.

Brahim M Kallon:

How can a just God use wicked Babylonian to punish a people more righteous than themselves. If you look at the children of Israel and the Babylonians, the children of God, they are more righteous than the Babylonians. But why is God using a wicked nation to punish a nation more righteous than them? The man of God is baffled. That is why he said, oh my God. In verse 1, this is the burden that God has exposed my eyes to see Sometimes in life. How can God bless a wicked nation like America? America used to be fantastic.

Brahim M Kallon:

How can god, oh my, how can god use people like paul, who was a murderer? How? These are questions that you and I we have. How can god use somebody who, who is a prostitute and god raised them up to become very prominent in society? How can god use donald trump? How can god use jojo biden? How can god use Donald Trump? How can God use Joe Biden? How can God use all these people in a position of power and authority? You ask yourself. But this is confusion. We're expecting the best to go into politics. We're expecting the best to become pastors. We're expecting the best to become doctors. We're expecting the best to become judges. We're expecting the best for the best positions in life? That's the question that the man of god was asking. Now chapter two. Just to um, finish up my context. Now.

Brahim M Kallon:

Chapter two focuses on the man of god waiting for an answer. So okay, god, I want you to go to chapter two. Let's see, amen. It says I will stand my watch. Again. He's waiting, conversing with god back and forth. So okay, god, thank you for your first response. I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart and watch to see what he will say to me and what I will answer when I'm corrected. Like he's having a conversation with god, like god, this is this. This is too complex. Now I'm trying to see what you're going to do next. And what is the second? What is the second response of god now? Then the lord answered me and said this is the second response write the vision and make it plain who reads it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it will speak and it will not lie, though it tarries. Wait for it, because it will surely come. It will not tarry. Okay, I'm gonna get to that. Okay, that's gonna be our focus. Let me just finish my context. So the second reply of god is the vision. Let me finish verse four. It's very important. Be all the proud, his soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith. Keep that verse in mind, amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

Now, when you continue to read chapter 2, we see the punishment of the shillelands. So god used them to punish his people. God also punished them, so they're not going to go scot-free. So you might think, okay, god used the Babylonians to punish the children of Israel. Are you going to let them go freely, with all the invasion, Taking other people's land by force, with violence? But if you continue to read chapter 2, from verse 8 all the way down to verse 13. No, verses 4 all the way to verse 20, it talks about a list of condemnation against the Shelandians. Let me just go over them quickly. God punishes them because of their plundering activities. God condemns their greed. They were greedy. He condemns that. God condemns their covetousness. God condemns their violence. God condemns their covetousness. God condemns their violence. God condemns their adultery. These were all things that they were doing that God condemns. So God punished them as well.

Brahim M Kallon:

At the end of this book, prophet Habakkuk made a prayer to God, and we can break it down into a prayer of petition for God's mercy. A prayer of petition for God's mercy, a prayer of praise for God's power and a prayer of promise. If you read chapter 3, you will see that Abakor now is no longer complaining. He's no longer complaining, he's praying Praying to God, praising God for God's power and pleading to god for god's mercy. And I really like verse chapter three. I want you to go down to let me read it for you. A prayer of abacoc the prophets. Oh lord, I have heard of your speech and was afraid. Oh lord, revive your work again. You see, in the previous chapter we talk about the work that god said he was going to do, right. So now the man of god is saying that, god, we rev it, revive your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years, make it knowing I like this how it ended In wrath. Remember mercy, oh my God, in wrath. Remember mercy In judgment, god, remember mercy. Now let's focus on my sermon.

Brahim M Kallon:

Do you have a vision? Do you truly have a vision for your life? Sometimes, when we talk about vision, we think that only corporations, companies or ministries that should create a vision. But what about you as an individual? Do you have a vision for your professional life? Do you have a vision for your family? Let's talk. Do you have a vision for your family? Do you have a vision for your ministry, your personal ministry? Do you have a vision for the future, or you just wake up and just walk with the flow of life, or do you have goals that you want to accomplish? Do you anticipate a future that some things are going to change in your life? Serious talk. We read the visions of businesses, we read the visions of churches, but what about you as an individual? Do you have a vision?

Brahim M Kallon:

Let's examine Habakkuk, chapter 2, from verse 2 to 3. We see that God is a source of vision, because he was the one who responded to Habakkuk and he said write the vision. If you don't have a vision now, it's okay, but you can have one. I don't want you to live today thinking that, okay, man of God, you have talked about have a vision, now it's okay, but you can have one. I don't want you to live today thinking that, okay, man of god, you have talked about having a vision. How am I gonna make it happen again? Talk to god, go to your father and say, god, I've heard your word. Today. I need a vision for my family. I need a vision for my life. I need to understand the vision of this church because if you are going to be part of an organization, you need to know where the organization is going.

Brahim M Kallon:

Just like some of us, we go to work, we're there for the money, but we don't even know in the five-year plan of the company. How many of you know the vision of canada? You're in canada, toronto we just had an election. How many of you know the plan of of our mayor plan, the future of toronto? But every day we wake up. There's new projects, there's metro links, there's new condominium being built replacing the old ones. Do we know? Oh boy, that is why the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. It's true. It didn't say you perish for lack of prayer. It didn't say you perish for lack of fasting. It said you are perishing, meaning that you are going down in life, you are degrading in life because of your lack of knowledge. When you know, when you have knowledge, you will create a vision.

Brahim M Kallon:

Serious talk, children of God. God commanded his prophet write a vision, don't just have it in your head when God speaks to you or God reveals something to you in a dream. I mean, if you, when you have a dream, do you write something or do you record it on your phone that we can remember, or or your, or your brain is like I call it, uh, ai that can recall things. No, write things down. Learn to write things that, even when you come to church, bring your notepad, write things down. What makes you think? God gave us a bible hard copy back in the day. They will memorize these things. But now we have technology. Even at that, that was not enough. God, god, from memorization to recording in in scrolls and pamphlets. Now we have digital copies of the Bible.

Brahim M Kallon:

Write the vision, whatever vision that God is gonna give you for your personal life. Write it down. Transcribe it to a paper. It says write the vision which I'm about to reveal. You have to. You have to prepare yourself when God speaks. You clear your mind to listen to God. When God speaks, you take away all distractions.

Brahim M Kallon:

Some of us were so distracted we can't even hear the voice of God. We're so occupied with work. God wants to speak. The next step into your life. God wants to direct your life. The only time we have the privilege to really hear from God when we come to church on Sunday, but our day-to-day activity? But we focus so much on work we're not going anywhere.

Brahim M Kallon:

I remember somebody else telling me sister was telling me that, brian, I work, I work five years. I said $50,000 and I became sick. All that money is gone. Life is funny. You can work your butt off for how many years and that money is gone. What's the point? I want you to go to god and say give me a vision. When god gives you a vision, child of god, write it down. Don't procrastinate, don't postpone it. Like our sister was saying, the best time of your life or the best day of your life is the day of your death. I'm telling you because that's the day you're gonna stand before god. You're gonna spend the rest of your life either in eternity, in heaven or in hell. Work with god.

Brahim M Kallon:

And the bible says in chapter two make it plain. On tablets again, god is emphasizing write it down when you write it down. Make it plain, let tablets again god is emphasizing write it down when you write it down. Make it plain, let it be simple, let it be readable, something that you can read. Some of us will write. We can't even read our own writing and, like I can, I can speak for myself. Me too, sometimes I write, funny. You understand. That's how I like to digitalize. Write things down, type things down.

Brahim M Kallon:

Amen, I want you to write it down, make it plain. That way, you yourself, the vision bearer, you can understand the vision of god. Make it plain what god is saying, that this vision I'm gonna give you, it's gonna, it's not gonna be vivid at times when god speaks to us. God speaks in a very symbolic way. You understand. The bible is full of symbols. That is what we have to study it. So god has said okay, I have given you a dream, I have given you a vision for your life.

Brahim M Kallon:

Now make it plain, look for interpretation, simplify it, make it blank and also mean cut it down into chunks. So my some of us, we have long-term goals. Oh, I want to buy a mansion. Ah, start first with the other units. You understand, work little by little. Simplify it doesn't mean that you cannot accomplish that big goal in business. In school, we have learned about the smart goal some, do something, measure, measure your goals, focus on the little things first and then work towards the bigger stuff. That also means make it plain. Make it plain small chunks on tablets, readable, usable. Make it play can also mean usable. So of course, we have big, big vision. I want to fly, you want to fly to. You can even walk. You want to fly. Is that vision that you have? Is it plain? So of course we have unrealistic goals. You want to have 10 children. Are you mad in canada? Make it plain, make it usable, child of god. These are things that we are learning just from these few verses.

Brahim M Kallon:

Make it plain means make it simple, make it readable, make it usable on tablets. We don't have tablets. We have books. We have not pads. We have iPhones, we have a laptop, we have PC computers. We have all these things. Put it down, write it down. This is for your own life. Make it large, put in large letters everywhere you go, put it. Put it. Put in a place where you're able to see the vision.

Brahim M Kallon:

When you go to a corporate office, you see your vision in your office. They did. They did it on purpose, not just for the branding. That way to remind you that, okay, this is our vision, this is what we stand for. Look at the LGBT agenda. Everywhere you go, you see their logos. Everywhere you go, you see their vision. They push it right in front of our face, but we, as child of God, we don't even have a vision. I work to push their agenda on us. That's a vision. You know what they're trying to do. Oh boy, oh God, this vision that they have trying to sexualize the entire humanity started long back. Now they're targeting our children. Now they're targeting women. Women don't even have their own home. They don't even have their own dressing room anymore. Any man can go into a woman's dressing room, identify as a man and the government will. Oh God, that's the vision. And our children in school, teaching them sexual content? That's the vision of their plan. Do we have a vision as a church? Do we have a vision as a nation?

Brahim M Kallon:

Do you have a vision for your personal life? 2023 is coming to an end. Do you have a vision for 2024? Or are you just going to sit back and know what God? Let things flow. You know what I've learned in this life.

Brahim M Kallon:

Some of us, we say God, I want God to be in control. No, god is in control when you let him be in control. You have to work with God. You have to get God involved. The Bible says in all your ways, acknowledge me and I will direct your path. Look what the Bible says in all your ways. Or do you only acknowledge God when you're in church hallelujah. Or do you only acknowledge god when you're sick? Or do you acknowledge god, the god?

Brahim M Kallon:

What is the next move in my professional life? God, I just got married. What is the next move in my marriage? Could I guide? I just have children. What is it? Oh, my god. God cares about every aspect of your life.

Brahim M Kallon:

Child of god, take advantage of that. God is into your every details of your life. Take advantage of that. He is your creator, he's your teacher, he's your father. He knows from the beginning. It knows tomorrow, you don't know. So plan your life with God. Are you with me now? Let's go that he may run. Who reads it? What? What we see here?

Brahim M Kallon:

Child of god, communicate the vision we see. Capture the vision. Plan the vision by writing it down now, we see. Communicate the vision, because sometimes we want to do things by ourselves. Okay, you as a mother, you as a father, do you have a vision for your family? If you do, do you communicate that vision to your wife? Do you communicate that vision to your husband. Do you communicate that vision to your children so they can also run with it?

Brahim M Kallon:

You see, a vision, usually it's it's it's for the good of everyone, ah, m of everyone, ah, divine vision, or a vision that is inspired by god is for the good, the betterment of everyone. It is not a selfish vision. The difference between a vision and an ambition is that ambition is selfishness, ambition is personalized, ambition is all about you, whereas vision is for the good of everyone. So you, as somebody in a place of authority, when you have that vision, that vision that God has given you, it's not just for you, it's for your family, is for the church, is for the corporate world, is for your country. Share the vision, communicate it to the right people.

Brahim M Kallon:

Mom, shadow, that is what we make mistakes. First of all, communicate the vision right when you, because the Bible says that he may, that he may, run who reads it. Communicate the vision now. Delegate the vision. Delegate the vision, because when you communicate the vision to people, hmmm, sister Adama, what a wonderful idea for the church. Hmm, thank you, adama. God is using you to for us to do something new in this church, to go house to house evangelism. Hmm, what we should do should listen to that vision or that idea that God has given anyone in this church.

Brahim M Kallon:

Again, like I said, the vision is for the betterment of everybody. But if you have that vision and you sit on it and you close your mouth, god is going to hold you accountable, just like your gifts. Oh, just like jesus said, I will hold you accountable, because I gave you gifts and you refused to use them. You sat on them. You bury your god-given gifts and people are perishing. You want god to raise you up, but you don't want to utilize opportunities that god has given you.

Brahim M Kallon:

The bible says if you are faithful in what is little, you'll be faithful in much. Sometimes we think that we can be faithful in much. It's a lie. If you have not been tested in the league little, there's no way you can be proven in much. Let me say that again if you have not been tested in little you, there's no way you can be proven in much. That's how god works. Oh god, let's move five million dollars. Oh god, if you give me five million dollars, this is what I'm gonna do with that money, even five dollars. You can even divide it among to pay, to pay expenses. Now, what makes you think you'll be able to utilize ten thousand dollars effectively? We deceive ourselves. Practice makes perfect, delicate that vision. Communicate it to the people.

Brahim M Kallon:

Now you're asking yourself okay, how can I delegate this vision? Human resources, we need that. Helpers support system, we need a team. I was trying to sound like TD Jakes. I'm like, oh boy, please, bro, sit down and go to sleep. Go to sleep. Sit down and go to sleep. Be yourself. I didn't know who I was. I'm like God. Who am I? God introduced me to myself, amen. So come here, be yourself. Don't try to be like nobody else. Be you, be your own unique way. If you like to shout, shout. If you're quiet, like Tatiana, please be quiet too. So delegate the vision for human resources, for help, for support system, for team.

Brahim M Kallon:

You might wonder, wonder, but if I share my vision, how people receive it, how people respond to it. Make sure, is it the right? People run with it? But people are not right. They will not run with it. The word run means people will take it or mash. No, put speed into it. Ah, have you done a project with the wrong people? Have you ever done a project with the wrong people? Have you ever done a project with the wrong people or started a business with the wrong people? It slows or delays too much because why? There's no interest in that vision. I've done a business with somebody. That person there's no interest in that vision. That person actually slows me down. Oh my god, the slowness is just too much. But somebody who's right for that vision don't run with it. Oh, but, alex, let's promise this is an opportunity for us to make millions of dollars. I understand where you're going. It's. These are the strategies.

Brahim M Kallon:

That is why you make it clear, since you have communicated that vision. It's so clear to you first. Sometimes we, we ourselves the vision bearer. The vision is never clear to us. So how can we make it clear to others? You understand. So there's a process. Let that vision be clear to you first. Let that vision make sense to you first. You yourself, who's the vision bearer? Believe in that vision before you even try to get people to believe in it. Most times we want to get people to believe in our vision, to believe in us. We don't believe in ourselves. It's a lie. Oh, I believe in you. Believe in yourself first, before you try to get people to believe in you. So, after, after you have communicated that vision, you make it plain, when I understand that vision, god, what brother alex is saying, and when I see that there's value in this vision, not just for brother alex, but also for me. Sometimes the reason why we, as africans, we don't work as a team is because we don't see the value from it.

Brahim M Kallon:

Sometimes, with the vision, sometimes we communicate that vision in a very selfish, self-centered way. It's all about me, my church. Oh, who says your church? It's god's church. That is why, right now, the way christianity is going, we talk about the kingdom, kingdom, kingdom. Who owns the kingdom? God? Who's the king? God, my church. Have you ever gone to a church where he says this is the only place where deliverance takes place? Who? This is your god. And then a sister, like a sister, approached me trying to evangelize to me come to my church. Ah, that's where I bless you, that's the only church where I said, my sister, that's not the only place blessings will happen. Amen, that's not the only place healing will take place. When you call upon that name, anything can happen.

Brahim M Kallon:

So, women of god, children of god, delegate the vision to the right people that he may run. Run, in a sense that work, walk with that vision. We want people that will walk with that vision. You don't want lazy people. You see, god is not a god of laziness, oh my. That is why the disciples of god, all of them, were preoccupied amen. All of them were preoccupied. Even one of them was preoccupied by was killing. Even one of them was preoccupied with collecting tax, but all of them were doing something with your lives. How can a God use a lazy man to do ministry? When I said I want you to walk from Kenema to to to Congo, god, I need, I need, I need an airplane, because I know start from the bottom first. We want, we want, we want a spaceship. Laziness is not good, so find people who are hard working, who are valuable, who believe in you, who believe in the vision, who share the same value with you.

Brahim M Kallon:

Amen, that they may run with it. That word is very important. When somebody, when you run with somebody, it's speed, speed. If you have the right people in your life, your life will move forward very fast. I'm telling you this if you're in a wrong relationship, your life will move slow. Of any sorts family, business, even ministry. Let's say you are the one praying, praying. That person is always sleeping.

Brahim M Kallon:

What do you do? Serious amen, vision, vision that he may run. Who reads it? You, as the vision bearer, make it. That is why god is in that. Make it plain so that people can read it. You see, when you make it plain, this is what you're doing. People are going to identify their skill, their personality in accomplishing that vision.

Brahim M Kallon:

I think they need a marketing department pastor. I think, in the marketing sense, I can. That's something that's really my strong call. I can really help. But if pastor did not mention that we need people that will be able to promote this church, if you don't mention that, then you, who, who? God knows that you're skilled in marketing, it will not come out. Ah, that is why it's good to make it plain.

Brahim M Kallon:

Make the vision plan, explain it. You see, whether you, if you have worked in the corporate center setting or if you have done business presentation, the vision is always communicated first. When you go for a job interview, it will take you how many hours for that. It's like, oh, just just, I want you to go to the money about the peanuts. Go to the money. How much they're paying us. Go to the money. How much they're paying us.

Brahim M Kallon:

I was going to drop the interview. I'm like, just go quickly. I'm like, please, please, just finish all this presentation. Just get to how much money I'm making. All that we care about what's in for us. We ask for them like no, they're very wise. I'm like, no, you're not going to take our money for nothing. You need to understand our vision before you get paid. Amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

Same with the church too. These people come to church to get healed. They get, they get, uh, delivered. But we don't want to take the time to understand where god is taking this church. You see, the vision is not about you, it's for everybody. That's why god gave the prophet write the vision that he who runs with it, who reads it, may run with it. Amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

Now let's go to people. Don't follow what they don't understand. People will not follow what they don't understand. People will not do that except the blind will lead the blind, except if you're blind. But people who are very smart, who are very focused in life, who are very strategic in life, who don't want people to waste their time sometimes you have to learn those things in a hard way. Your friend will just call you randomly Brian, let's go clubbing, bro, I've done clubbing since high school. Go clubbing for what? My time is so important right now I don't even have time for foolishness. But if you don't have a vision, oh, marika, you know, you see, when you have a vision, your life is focused, your life is prioritized. But we don't have a vision, your life is drifted away. Anybody can come into your life. Oh, let's go and do this, you go, let's go and do this, you go.

Brahim M Kallon:

When you have a vision, when you wake up every morning, god, this is my next target for this, this is my next commitment. We don't have a vision, you just go by the flow. Do you want to go by the flow in life? Is that the way to live? Just to wake up in the morning? Okay. What's there to eat, eat, sleep and go to work nine to five? What are your plans? Okay, plans about? Okay, god, I want to buy a house. What do I need to do? Build my credit. What do I need to do? Start small, start small. You don't think it's possible to pay off a forty thousand dollar debt. It's possible, child of god. Start small, you see.

Brahim M Kallon:

You see, sometimes we it's when we act by faith. We take that step of faith, you'll be powerful, god, god begins to work. God begins to step in. We're too afraid that god, this vision is too big for my head. That's a vision. A vision will never be too small for you. It will be bigger than your head, something that you cannot carry. That is why you need people. That is why god says he make it plain. He will risk it, will run with it because that vision is too big for you. Amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

Let's go to the other point. Um, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it will speak and it would not lie, though it tarries. Wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry, let me. Let me tell you, guys, that the first part is your part. The seventh of the vision like write the vision. That is your responsibility, it's not god's responsibility. All that god, god, god will do is to give the vision, reveal it to you in a dream or or or in your heart. That's what god would do. He's the source of that vision. But it is your responsibility, child of god, your part, to write the vision, make it plain, communicate that vision, delegate that vision. It is your part. God is not going to it plain communicate that vision, delegate that vision. It is your part. God is not going to do that for you. That's why sometimes we make mistakes, that in this life we are partners with god. God is not going to come and feed you so you can eat matoki. It's not doing that. It's not doing that. It's not doing that now. This is god's part, for the vision is yet for an appointed time. You're not in control of the fulfillment of that vision. There's a time for everything. So don't, don't, don't start killing yourself.

Brahim M Kallon:

God, I've been doing this business. Sometimes we quit easily, like me. Oh, I'm using myself as an example. We quit easily. I've been working on the god. I've been working on this project for 10 years. Oh god, I've been. I've been seven.

Brahim M Kallon:

And faith in the bible church for how many years? Hey, anything great will take time. Tatiana was asking me that jesus only spent three years of ministry. What about the remaining years? Because that three years? Because that three years did so much for humanity. But the remaining years, substance roots was being built.

Brahim M Kallon:

Do you want to be a fad, a trend that will just come and go, because that's what our world wants? Oh, look at me now. I'm a preacher Just because god used you to to speak in tongues. Now you think that I am mother teresa. You want to start your ministry? Get ready for demons and witches. If god not call you, don't call yourself. Hey, if you want to die young, if god not call you, don't call yourself, because you're treading into a dangerous ground of spiritual battles. Because you are treading into a dangerous ground of spiritual battles because you need God's protection and preparation. If your child sent into the battlefield, like Pastor Adolphos will always say, when you just hear the gunshot will you run? A true soldier will hear the gunshot and remain. I've heard this before, because experience, amen, god. This is God's part.

Brahim M Kallon:

Source of the vision. The vision giver For the vision is yet for an appointed time. Timing of the vision For the vision is yet for an appointed time. Timing of the vision for the vision is yet for appointed time. It doesn't matter how long you have been working on that business, that project, that ministry, that book writing, that dream, that house that you want to buy. You're asking God for a particular thing. I could have been praying for this, that marriage, that relationship, that child. Doesn't matter how long. I know sometimes delays can be an issue, but if it's, god has said it. God promised you. God has given you that vision and you know, deep down in your heart, be encouraged by this, for the vision that God has given you is yet for an appointed time. God has assigned a time for the fulfillment of that vision. God has appointed a time for the fulfillment of that vision. If you look at it, appointed time. You make appointment, right. What is an appointment? It's a time specific set for you to meet somebody, right? So God has a time specifically set for that vision to come into fruition.

Brahim M Kallon:

So was telling his prophet man of God. He has written down his vision. You have communicated it. So you see, sometimes when there's a gap, people laugh at you. You have been saying that faith in the Bible Church will find his own place. How many years now, oh, you have been saying this business. People mock at you, they mock at Jesus. They're mocking at us as Christians. Oh, jesus is gonna come. When is he gonna come? You know, don't look at you. Look at when I might was trying to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, sambalak and to bear, you were mocking him. If this wallet, even if you, if an ox, a fox, would just poke and all he will fall down. They were mocking what the man was doing. Expect people like that. I will come to mock your vision. We have been working on this business. You don't have no customer, no customer or all of your customers only give you small money.

Brahim M Kallon:

I have a friend of mine who's into media business. He used to do all these small, small customers. He's posted a video of of of doing live streaming of football matches. I'm like and that's something he revealed to me that he was going to do the prime. Oh boy. My goal now is to just I want to stop making small money. I really love media. I'm passionate about it. I'm doing it for churches and the money that I'm making. Now I want to make this full-time job and I'm trusting God. Yeah, he bought all the equipment. When I saw the video doing live streaming for a football match in Toronto, I'm like wow, because why he believed in his vision? Oh, all I did was I said it can be done.

Brahim M Kallon:

Sometimes, if you have nothing to tell somebody, somebody come and tell you about your vision. If you have nothing good to say, just shut up, hold your peace. Hold your peace. If you're not careful, you say things that person remember the 10 spies. The only people that understood the vision of god was joshua and caleb. Because of them, people with your bad reports, with their own belief and fear, persuaded god's people not to believe in the promised land. You know why god wanted to destroy them and moses intervene? Because they wanted to kill the two servants of god who believe in the vision. How dare these people trying to kill my two servants, caleb and Joshua, befriend spirit in them? They believe in me and they were doing it for the people. They were doing it not for themselves. They were doing it for the people, but the people want to stone these two people. You see how powerful vision and faith is. That is why the Bible says the church shall lead by faith.

Brahim M Kallon:

You can't just have a vision, thinking it's gonna happen overnight. You have to persevere that business. You have to persevere that land you want to build. You have to persevere your health. You have to don't give up. I've learned in this life as long as God is on the throne, you don't give up on yourself. You can get tired, it's okay. You can get tired. Life can knock you down. You can get tired, it's okay. Get up again and keep fighting. As long as god is on the throne, you rise up again. God's timing for the fulfillment of the vision will be perfect. It will be perfect just like when you, when you're pregnant, you don't expect the child, you don't. You're an experience, everybody's experience. I mean, I don't know, you don't experience, you don't expect that child just to come. You're pregnant, to do, and then you expect that child to to come overnight.

Brahim M Kallon:

We want microwave christianity, like my pastor will always say microwave christianity, microwave miracles, microwave promotion, microwave everything. Microwave success in marriage, microwave ministry. You see, god focuses on who you are becoming than what you're doing. Who you are becoming is more important than what you do. When you're a child of god, there's two things how you approach god, how you relate with god. When you're a child of god, there's two things how you approach god, how you relate with god when you, when you're a mature christian or immature christian, your focus is on the doings of god. When you are a mature christian, your focus is on the being of god. See the difference your focus is on the doings of god, the acts of god which the children of israel knew about. God, all signs and wonders, oh, god is going to do miracles. Today. That's their focus, whereas the Bible says Moses knew the ways of God.

Brahim M Kallon:

Like when we talk about the ways of somebody, you know how, their mannerism, their attitude, their action, their characteristics. You can actually predict what they're going to do next. Right, because you know their ways. I know your way of life, I know how you. That's exactly how she talks. That's exactly who she is. God actually wants us to know his ways, his being. That is what our pastor always said. I believe in God, not because of miracles, because I believe in God's integrity, because a person is his integrity. I believe in God's characteristics. That's a mature Christian.

Brahim M Kallon:

You come to that level where God is not about doing, doing, doing doing it's about being. You're focused on who God is. That is why you love people, not just for what they do for you. You love them for their being. She's such a lovely person. She had values to my life. She wakes me up because of who they are. That's their nature. If it's just doing because they give you money, give you sex, you sex they'll get tired, they'll become broke. But if they are being, they are good nature, amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

So this vision will come in the right time. Don't give up. And then I also see that reassuring of the vision. Look what it says, but at the end it will speak and will not lie. Sometimes even God was trying to reassure the man of god. He said sometimes people might think that, oh, that vision is fake, oh, your vision is not working. How long? Right, god, we are sure of the vision. It will not lie. It's not a lie. Have you got? Have you? Sometimes, when you, oh god, when you share your vision with wrong people, like the, god will really speak to you. Is it? Is that what you're called to do?

Brahim M Kallon:

Just because you display a vision, you don't see profit, you don't see physical evidence. They think that God did not call you and they don't believe in you. Because you don't have customers. They think that your business is not real. Can you imagine you don't have brick and mortar? Your business is not real. Can you imagine you have brick and mortar? Your business on social media. How many of you are your business on social media? You sell your business or you have a business idea.

Brahim M Kallon:

Your first action is let me create an instagram account, let me create a facebook page. Back in the day, facebook page, I created one. No customer. That's how vision starts. You start small. My pastor will say that back in the day they will go to street, they will preach. That's the vision.

Brahim M Kallon:

But us, we want the vision to come in a very ground style. We want that, but we don't get that. God, you are lying, I knew you're lying, but God is saying that. Okay, I want you, brother Alex, just to start a small farmland, very basics. Hey God, we despise small beginnings. Oh, sister Juliet, I have a big ministry for you, but I just want you to start a home sale, home ministry. Visit just a few people. God, I thought you said I'm going to have something big, but we despise that small beginning. What God is trying to do to test. Look at David. For him to kill Goliath, god tested David with lions and bears. For him to become king, god tested him to take care of sheep in the forest. We despise more beginnings.

Brahim M Kallon:

Ah, this is very hard. This is very, very hard. Do it tires? Look, you see, though, it tires. There might be delay because of circumstances in life. Wait for it, wait again, repetition wait for it, wait, wait.

Brahim M Kallon:

The three p's. When it comes to all you're waiting for this vision. Three p's patience, productivity and perseverance, patience, productivity, meaning that operation things are still going. Every sunday, people are here. Every friday, people are here, things are still going still, things are still in operation. Perseverance, even though you're tired. Patience is pretty much you just waiting. But to persevere is like ah, you keep pressing, you keep pressing. Ah, people have discouraged you, members have left, members have called all sort of names, but you keep going. It takes perseverance, god. I have no customer. How long am I doing this business? Hey, god, you know I don't have a full-time job. I focus, I put all my money into this business.

Brahim M Kallon:

It takes perseverance, child of god, even to work with god to fulfill your ministry. God is saying that, yes, I called you because now I want you, I want to take selfishness from you. That is why, child of god, allow god to walk in you first, before god use you. Your prayer should be that, god, I know you have called me to be. Sometimes we think that we can. We can handle greatness. It's a lie. If god not prepare you for greatness, greatness will break you. If god does not prepare you for greatness or success, it will break you. It will not make you. You are having so much money. Money will expose.

Brahim M Kallon:

You believe, some of you think that certain things, certain things I cannot do, wait till you have money. Every woman that you have never tried, you want to try. Every food that you have never eaten, you want to eat. I remember when I had a good job, first time in my life I went to the store. I tricked myself. Hundred dollar fish just for me, just for fish. Fish, you know, rice and sardine was my delicacy. I'm telling you this, I'm telling you true talks. You understand, when I had a good job, I'm like god. I went, I went to the store, I bought it. I don't even know the name of the fish. I bought different types of fish.

Brahim M Kallon:

I said today, brian, today is your day. You have been yearning to eat fish. You know what? Because I've been yearning to eat fish. I hate fish. I got tired of it.

Brahim M Kallon:

God taught me a lesson. Yes, brian, you can have all this money, you can have all this fish, and then you get tired of it. Sometimes I even look at it and ah. That is why excess in things that are temporary is not good. Excess in anything that is not God is not good. If you want excess in life, let God be excess. So let prayer be excess, let Bible study be excess, but anything else, even sex excess, is not good. Even you loving people so much in excess that you, that you neglect god, is not good. So we should allow moderation, amen.

Brahim M Kallon:

So, patience, productivity, perseverance, that's what it's going to take for you to wait while you're working on the vision. Sometimes we wait but we don't work. Ah, so, god, we're so funny. Okay, I'm waiting for you, lord. I'm waiting for you to be able to get married. You're not preparing yourself to be a wife. Wait, I'm waiting for my husband, but you refuse to be a wife. I'm waiting for my wife, but you refuse to be a husband. Oh, I'm waiting to have a ministry, but you refuse to be discipled.

Brahim M Kallon:

La machi caraba, that waiting period is a period of preparation and work, a period of what preparation and work he wants to perform. You think people like ronaldo messi, all these people just perform mubape. We enjoy them. You know how many hours they spend in the gym and then we, when we applaud them, we celebrate their lives. You know how many hours these musicians they when we hear your songs that song is so sweet, we are moved by it hours when we see men of god doing signs and wonders. I was in prayer. That waiting period is a period of just.

Brahim M Kallon:

It's not just for you just to sit down and relax. Don't do anything. Prepare your hearts, allow God to change your character. Own your skills, develop your skills. If you have been called to be a minister, you don't need to go to Bible school if you don't have money. But at least get an inductive bible study book and learn the word, how to divide the word. If you want to sing, learn about music theory, prepare yourself so that you can be the best.

Brahim M Kallon:

Sometimes you want to give god poor results. There's a difference between ken and abel. Abel gave his very best. God is expecting you to preach your very best, good inspection to sing your very best. God is not looking for poor quality and that's why the Bible says you will stand before God faithful servant, faithfulness in excellence. You can't give God average. God demands the best, the best of the best. And then look what it says.

Brahim M Kallon:

To conclude with this, because it will surely come and will not tarry, this is what I call fulfilling of the vision. So we see, on God's part, this is three parts from God. Our part is also three. Our part is capturing. Planning the vision, that's our part. And the second part that we have to do communicate the vision and then delegate the vision. Vision carries progress. That is what's killing Africa. The only time we know the vision of the president is during election. After that, the manifesto. After that, nothing else, oh God, but white people. They will have meetings, weekly meetings, meetings, monthly meetings. Only people who attend those meetings. They don't know the worth of those meetings. Those meetings will tell you about the target of the company and those who are wise will meet the target of the companies. And those who meet the target of the company, those are people who are promoted because why they attended the meeting, they understood the next target of the of the company and you're able to achieve what the company demands.

Brahim M Kallon:

But some of us, we only want to go there clock in, clock out, clock in, clock out. Say that with me. Clock in, clock out, that's how we live in life. We clock in, we clock out, clock out. To where clock in? Where this is serious, child of God, if you guys are not going to do it, I will do it, pastor, when it comes. Plan the vision, communicate the vision, delegate the vision, because we need to know vision carries progress. That is our path as a team, as individual. Now, that is, that is the part of god the timing of the vision, reassuring of the vision and the fulfillment of vision. Where vision springs from. Or how a vision comes about. Where vision springs from, or how a vision comes about.

Brahim M Kallon:

Complaints, because how did this Abba, god, obtain this vision? He complained. Now you wonder okay, god, I need a vision. Look at problems. As Marot said, if you want to know your purpose in life, look at problems.

Brahim M Kallon:

True leaders spring from chaos, out of the greatest problem of humanity, which is sin. We hear people about Jesus. Problems, complaints, personal or people's problem. It's a way for us to obtain a vision, because that's exactly what Abakor did. He complained to God. God, there's so much injustice, there's so much social hills. What are we going to do about it?

Brahim M Kallon:

Complain about sierra leone? Complain about congo? Complain about musa venni? Complain about trudeau. Yes, it's good to complain.

Brahim M Kallon:

We, as african, we complain, we complain, but we don't do anything else. It's good to complain, but what is your next action when you complain? What about God did he call? When you complain, do you call on God? Say God, I've been complaining to you. Let's brainstorm. He said come, let us reason together. Do your sins so that, like scarlet, shall be white as snow. Do you reason to God with your prayer, even when you have problems at home, when you have cares. You see, don't ever see problems as problems. See problems as opportunities for solutions. You call Okay, god. You call through your knees, you call through prayer, and the purpose is for God to provide you solution. And then the final C is contribution. This is what God said he was going to do through prophet Habakkuk write a vision.

Brahim M Kallon:

You complain, you call on God, and then you contribute. Don't just complain and don't contribute. Don't just complain, you don't call on God. When you have a complaint, don't take it to a pastor, don't take it to your husband, don't take it to your wife, don't take it to your fellow members. Take it to God call. Take it to your husband. Don't take it to your wife, don't take it to your fellow members. Take it to god, call on god first, because that that issue is even bigger than your pastor, bigger than your husband, bigger than your wife, bigger than your colleague or bigger than your family member. Take it to god. That is it. Abacus never took this complaint to the, to the king of judah he didn't or to other prophets. He took it to god. He called on god, amen. And then when you complain and you call on god, don't just complain and call contribute, contribute, because that's where the solution we're going to see the evidence of the solution participation, vision and the fulfillment.

Brahim M Kallon:

Now, lastly, vision and faith.

Brahim M Kallon:

Vision and faith. It takes faith to accomplish anything in this life. People going to the moon is an act of faith. You waking up the next is an act of faith. You believing that your boss will pay you the next day is an act of faith. You hoping that when you go to that Chinese store, that Nigerian store, that African store, those markets that the food is good, it's an act of faith, because you don't know. So you need faith to believe that the vision God has given you will come to pass, that business will come to pass, you will find your husband, you will get healed. Your life will not be the same, because he said to Habakkuk the just shall to abacoc, the Josh shall live by faith. The Josh shall live by faith, righteous shall live by faith. Faith is not just a one act, it's a lifestyle. It's a lifestyle of who you are. It's a lifestyle, how you go about your life. So, as we have heard this word today, child of God, I want to leave you with this have a vision for your personal life.

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