Wisdom Grace


Brahim M.Kallon

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Discover the centurion's astonishing faith that amazed Jesus. Let us unfold the remarkable faith of the centurion, whose faith was so profound that it amazed Christ. As we recount this story, you'll discover how true faith knows no bounds and is attainable for each one of us, capable of unlocking miracles in our lives.

Humility and selflessness are not merely virtues; they are the foundations upon which great faith is built. The message explores qualities identified as seen through the eyes of the centurion, whose self-awareness and reverence for Jesus teach us valuable lessons about faith. Through the centurion's narrative and the insights of biblical wisdom, you will be encouraged to foster a belief that not only impresses but is also deeply pleasing to God.

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Speaker 1:

faith of the centurion in Jesus. Our scripture references are going to be from Matthew, chapter 8, from verse 5 to 13. We have a reference in Luke, chapter 7, from verse 1 to 10. So what we're going to do now, we're going to read our references and match you the gospel of, match you and also and look, you're going to see some similarities in these two accounts. You're also going to see some differences as well, right, but I'm going to keep going back and forth to really um explain to you guys how, you and I, we can achieve this type of faith called the great faith, this faith that jesus said is great.

Speaker 1:

It baffles my mind for jesus to conclude on someone who is not a jew, someone who is despised. Amen, which shows that anyone, anyone, can have this great faith. This great faith is not based on your spiritual life. This great faith is not based on your religious background. This great faith is not based if you're a male or a female. It's not based on your status. It's not based on your education Amen. So I want you to be aware that today, when you leave this place, after you have received the word of god, you can go back home and say god, I want to have such a faith, called great faith, that jesus concluded by saying that I have never seen faith like this in the land of israel.

Speaker 1:

I will read from the translation new king james matthew, chapter 8, verse 5 to 13 now, when jesus had entered capenon, the centurion came to him pleading with him verse 6 saying, lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented, and jesus said to him I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my. Speak a word and my servant will be healed Verse 9. For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me, and I say to this one Go and he goes. And to another come and he comes. And to my servant do this and he does it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, when Jesus hard hit, hit, he marveled and he said to those who followed surely, I say to you, I have not found such great faith this is where the heading of the sermon came about the great faith of the centurion in Jesus. Even not, even, look, not even in Israel, a religious nation, a nation that had the Torah, the book of the law that is written about Jesus, a Gentile, a roman captain. And I say to you that many will come from the east, from the west, and sit down with abraham, isaac and jacob in the kingdom of heaven, powerful. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness, sad, they'll be weeping and garnishing of teeth. Then Jesus said to the centurion go your way and as you have believed so, let it be done for you. And his servant was healed that same hour. According to your faith. Let it be done. According to your faith. Let it be done. Yes, we can pray, things can happen. We can study, things can happen. We can preach. Things can happen. But if you don't have faith, they're not going gonna happen in a full way. According to your faith, it will happen. Now we're gonna read another version in Luke, chapter 7, verse 1 to 10. From verse 1 I read now when he concluded all his Saints in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum and a certain centurion's servant who was dear to him was sick and ready to die.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so when he heard about Jesus. You see, this man, this centurion, was seeking Jesus on behalf of someone else. He was applying his faith for someone else, which shows me that this man had faith for himself. There's no way you can have faith for someone else if you don't have faith for yourself. There's no way you can stand in the gap of this church if you don't believe that God can come through for you. Oh, child of God, child of God, there's no way you can stand on behalf of your family even if yourself you have not tasted. The Lord David said come and see and taste before you can go and tell people Come to Jesus, come and see the goodness of Jesus. If you don't have your own testimony, you cannot testify. If you testify, you're a liar because you don't have your own testimony. God wants your own experience. God wants your own faith. Amen.

Speaker 1:

What baffles my mind is that this man came to jesus as a result of someone else, not for himself. Came to jesus as a result of someone else, not for himself. So when this, this, this is, these are all the reasons why jesus concluded by saying that this man had great faith. I want you to reach out, I really want you to read this account when you go home, hoping that holy spirit, help me open my eyes to see the revelation, the deeper things in this revelation for Jesus. To conclude, to give a feedback, a performance appraisal in workplace. After you have done your work, your manager will come and tell you Judith, this is what you have done well, but, alex, this is what you did well. We all like that. We all like positive feedback. Don't you want to hear a positive feedback from jesus? God likes to give for the positive feedback.

Speaker 1:

On that day, when you and I were going to stand before god, what god is going to say to you? Well done, my faithful servant. So god looks at your actions, your attitude. It matches to god. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Um, let me read from so when, when, when he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to him with him, oh my god, to come and heal his servants. And when they came to Jesus, they begged him earnestly, saying that the one, that the one for whom he should do this, was deserving. You see, according to the people, he deserved the grace and mercy of god, but according to him, he doesn't feel he deserved the grace and mercy of god. Humility, oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. But look at it this way according to the religious people, this man deserved god because they have this idea that I don't need the grace of jesus. All I'm gonna rely on merits my religious rituals. You see, now they are applying their own religious ideas on this man. For jesus. That, jesus you, you must come and do for this man why he deserves it. But the man does not think like that.

Speaker 1:

Again, the intent of faith, the attitude of faith. The bible says God resists the proud and he gives grace to the humble, amen. So he loves our nation and he has built us a synagogue. You see, oh my God, your life, your life will determine how God will respond to your faith. Your life will determine the result of your faith. You can pray, you can study the Bible, you can apply faith, but if your life does not match, like our pastor would say, righteousness does not match with what you believe, that would disqualify for god to respond to your faith and give you the result. So your life has to be matching with your faith.

Speaker 1:

There are two characteristics of this man that we see here he cares about people, he fears God and he loves people. He loves his own servants and he loves the things of God. The Bible says, according to someone else. You see, this man, even though this man himself was a leader, a centurion, according to the dictionary, is a captain of undread. But we live in a world with politicians who are so pompous, who are so proud, like the religious leader. Oh jesus, you have to come to my place. You're a man of galilee. Look at the way you dress. But look at me. I'm so gallant, I have people under me. You have to come to my place. I'm not going to come to your place. This man did not have such an attitude.

Speaker 1:

One of the characteristics of a great faith is humility. Write that down. Humility is powerful. It's a powerful force for god to respond to you. Another thing that we see here. Another characteristic of a great faith is selflessness. Love, love for others. That's number two. And then love for the things of God, because the Bible says this man invested in the things of God, even though he was not part of the things of God. But he invested in the things of god and he loved people. So he loves our nation. Then jesus went with them. You see, jesus heard all these things. Okay, who's this man? He didn't hesitate. Who's this man? Jesus went with them.

Speaker 1:

Some of us will pray and fast. God will be happy, thinking who's brad, alex, who's adam, who's calling me? But you have anger, you have bitterness, you're praying for selfish reason. You're praying for for your brother to die. You pray, oh, my god. Search your heart when you're coming to God. Search your heart. What are you praying that prayer for? What are you believing God for that? What is the intent? What is the reason why you want God to give you miracle? What is the reason why you want God to bless you with so much money? You see, sometimes we come to church we have been deceived. Oh, receive it, god will bless you. But God looks at the hearts.

Speaker 1:

I, I taught in a church the process of you becoming a servant of god. You have to be a student of god first. You have to follow. When you follow, god will make. When you make, god will use. Because he told peter the disciples follow me and I will make fishes of men. Then I will use you. But we won't go to use us. We want to. We want the crown. We don't want to. We don't want to carry the cross, we don't want to follow. We don't want god to make us. So god will look at your heart is very, very important, because this is what's going to define that great faith, your heart, your relationship with people. God, can I use you. If you don't have compassion, god can I use you? If you're, if you're selfish, because jesus was a perfect example of somebody who laid down his life for you, and I love is the foundation of such a great faith. It's not about you.

Speaker 1:

Somebody else, somebody that was sick, this man, somebody that was sick, his servant some of us were so proud if I was seventh is sick, we'll kick them out. Don't work. Don't work in my house anymore, don't work for me anymore. Get out, you're sick. We go to work. We're sick. Our boss, our manager will find somebody don't replace us. But do we have such people like that these days? When, as a woman, you're pregnant, your manager tells you know what? I think we're gonna replace you.

Speaker 1:

The young man, something, something happened back home. You asked for a leave. They're gonna replace you. But do we have such people that have understanding human decency? No, this man was not a religious leader. He was just an ordinary person that loves humanity, amen. Jesus went with them and when he was already not not far from the house, you see jesus was on his way coming and this man said you know what? Oh god, he, oh god. Then the centurion sent friends to him saying lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy. Oh my god. First of all, this, this don't forget that this man was a leader himself, just like jesus. Oh, he was a roman leader of 100 people. He was in charge of that territory of judea.

Speaker 1:

This man felt his unworthiness to stand before jesus. Who is jesus to this man? I don't even know what type of revelation this man received about jesus. I don't even know for this man, for him to even send his, his friends, to meet jesus himself could not come to meet jesus, not even to say jesus, come to my house. Himself could not come to me jesus, he had to send people to me. Jesus, his unworthiness.

Speaker 1:

We asked the right, self-righteous, stupid, religious people saying that this man deserves, because for them it's like I deserve. Oh, jesus, don't tell us. We don't tell us. We're gonna go to hell. That is to see what jesus ended in matthew. He said let me go back to matthew. He said I surely, I say to you I have not found such great faith, not even in israel, and I say to you that many will come from the east. We are the many who believe, not seen and sit down with abraham, their father, isaac and jacob, their father in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons, they were the sons of the kingdom of heaven. They despised him but they were cast out of how. The darkness. The religious people, they will be weeping, they'll be crying darkness. The religious people, they'll be weeping, they'll be crying mercy. Amen for verse 8.

Speaker 1:

Luke, chapter 7, verse 8, for I also am a man placed on the authority, having so he, he explained himself to jesus and I said to one girl, and he goes, and to another, come and he comes to myself and do this and he does it. When jesus heard these things, he marveled at him and turned around and said to the crowd that followed him he turned around and and told the church, we are the church. I've never seen such a faith of this young sister, of this young brother who's in church. But when he, when he stepped in church, he looks like a drunkard but he believed that jesus will heal him from alcohol. But you, you have, you have your own secret sin, often that you have not believed that jesus can deliver you. But somebody stepped in here, newly addicted. Just believe that man of god. Speak your word. Speak your word, I'll be made whole. It doesn't matter how long you have been a child of god, but if you are fit less, you are worse than than an unbeliever.

Speaker 1:

Let's, let's break it down. That was just uh, that was just the scriptural reference. Let's look at the importance and impact of this, of the sermon. One thing I've realized is that our faith will be tested. Hey, our faith will be tested. There are three things in life, according to my own life experience, that I've realized, three things that will be tested in life Faith, love and loyalty.

Speaker 1:

You claim that, oh, my sister, I love you. You can easily say you love a woman when she gives you what you want. Test of time, when things are hard, would you love that sister? You can easily say you love this brother because he has money, he dresses well, he has a nice car, he has a big house. But your love will be tested. We can easily say, god, I love you. We can come to church. You know, I love you.

Speaker 1:

Now you have food, you can sleep well. When you don't have food, you cannot sleep well. You're, you're sick. Can you say, god, I love you? Oh, you apply for? You wanted, you wanted to to work in the bank. We end up working a restaurant.

Speaker 1:

Can you say god, I praise you. You see, god, god looks at this, the small things in life, your art. God will not test you when all is well. He will not test you in your comfort. He will test you in circumstances. That is where your change will happen. So our faith will be tested.

Speaker 1:

If you claim to believe god for health, believe me, get ready to get to be sick. If you claim, or you believe in god that you'll become a millionaire, get ready for poverty. Or you believe in god that you'll become a millionaire, get ready for poverty. I'm telling you we believe in god for many people, for this church, but we are still preaching, pastor is still going on. Believe in god, faith tested because we can easily say god, I believe you.

Speaker 1:

When there's so many people, what about if God takes away those people? Would you still believe? We don't want to go through hardship in life. We don't want to go through problems in life. I'm not against happiness, I'm not against joy, I'm not against peace. But Jesus said in this world that is the reality, that is the fact. You know we're gonna have tribulation, but share up. I have overcome the world. If we teach our children, they know our life is all rosy. Be careful. Recipe for disaster prepare them when problems come, how they can face it so you can become strong.

Speaker 1:

Look at the act of seeking jesus. Look chapter 7, verse 3 the active approach of faith, the process of faith and the result of faith. There's a process to faith. There's this. There is an approach of faith before you achieve that result. Number one, the act of seeking jesus. You can't say you believe and don't act. Sometimes we, we speak faith, but faith is action, believers is an action word. So the act of seeking jesus, that's like you moving your faith to the next level, taking that leap of faith.

Speaker 1:

Most times, you and I, god has given us wonderful visions, but we're afraid to execute that vision because so there's no money. Let's put everything is okay. Oh, I need this. No, walk with what you have. When god told abram, abram leave, god did not give abram a concrete, clear blueprint where he's gonna go. Abram just took his family, took his bag. It was just going like a blind mind as he was acting by faith. God was revealing more, but some of us, we want god to reveal everything now before we make a move. But god is saying, no, I am not gonna reveal everything. Now make a move the act of seeking jesus. Luke chapter 7, verse 3 says so. When he heard about jesus, he sent elders of to the jews, to him. That's that's an act. When you heard about jesus, he heard about jesus. He put himself in a place to hear about jesus. That's an act. When you heard about Jesus, he heard about Jesus. He put himself in a place to hear about Jesus. That's an act of seeking Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, we have problems in life, but we don't put ourself in places with people that will lead us to the solution. This man put himself in a place for him to hear about Jesus. Don't forget that he was a captain of soldiers in Judea and during the time of Jesus. So every time it comes across people, it will interact with people you know. But this man named Jesus. This is what he did. I've heard about this. Jesus went to another person. Yeah, this Jesus, this man, was very humble. When you're humble in life, you are very teachable. You're a learner. Life, you are very teachable, you're a learner. One attribute of humility is learning and being teachable. That's what god likes.

Speaker 1:

He put himself in a place to hear about jesus because the bible said faith comes by hearing hearing the word. So there's no way you can have faith in jesus if you don't hear about jesus. You and I, right now, we're hearing about the word of god. You see, when you read the bible, the bible contains testimonies of people just like you and I. That is why it's good to testify.

Speaker 1:

This was a testimony of somebody who's suffering was sick, recorded in the gospel account. That jesus is saying that oh, this is the testimony of somebody with a great faith. I want you to apply his testimonies. So when we testify, it's for you and I. Oh god did it for this sister. This sister was very, very sick but she told me that when she, when she prayed, god heal her. I know my friend who was also sick. I will apply, if I will apply, the faith of that sister because she testified. That's why we have the bible full of testimony. We can learn from david. We can learn from abraham. That's why we have the bible full of testimony. We can learn from david, we can learn from abraham. That's why pastor started by saying the men of faith, in the bible they recorded, we can see the faith of abraham. No child, very old, even the wife was laughing. Oh god, god, this is not gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

The bible talks about the faith of moses. He despised the palace just to be with god's people, and he spent so many years in the wilderness 40 years in the wilderness, or maybe 40 days, I don't know. Years in the wilderness. You see testimonies. See testimonies.

Speaker 1:

Now, the second point of the process of faith is approaching Jesus. So the act of seeking Jesus that we learn from this man is he heard about Jesus. He put himself in a place here about Jesus. Now the second point is approaching Jesus. Now, when you hear about Jesus, what is your next move to approach? You can see what we hear, but who? You do what I've got. We go up lights. We hear about peace.

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Pastor will come, or anybody. Anybody will come to talk about peace, talk about joy. When we go home, when somebody brings a bad report, hey, what you have heard, just escape. We have to hold up, we have to hold on the word of god. Don't let it slide, don't let it go away, because the devil the bible says, like pastor said he comes to steal, kill and destroy.

Speaker 1:

He's a thief. Don't just focus on him killing and destroying. He steals. He can steal your destiny. He can steal your joy. He can steal your happiness. He can steal your married home. He can steal your children. He's a thief. He's a fellow of lies. He lies. He's also a thief. You don't want somebody to come and take something good from you, because that's what a thief would do. A thief will never take anything that is that is not valuable. They will always come to take something that is treasureable to you, something that you want, something that you need. So if peace is a treasure to you, why would you allow the devil to steal your joy, your peace?

Speaker 1:

After you have heard the word of god approaching jesus. He wrote about jesus now, make the move. If you cannot make the move, send your friends. If you cannot make the move, send somebody else to make the move for you. If you're too scared, if you're too afraid, well what do I get this idea?

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Approaching Jesus Matthew, chapter 8, from verse 5. Look now, when Jesus had entered Kapanen, when Jesus had entered into the city, they made no way to. The bible said a centurion came to him. He approached jesus. He approached jesus. That's the second point. The first point was act of seeking jesus. The second point is approaching jesus now.

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The third point is appealing to Jesus. Appealing to Jesus according to Matthew, chapter 5, verse 6. So now, when Jesus had entered Capenon, a centurion came to him pleading. That's what it means to appeal, to plead with him, saying Lord, my servant is lying at home, paralyzed, dreadfully tormented. He was pleading, appealing.

Speaker 1:

You see, sometimes we have to be fervent in our request. That god, I am put to shame, that god I've been in canada for so long, that god, my family's struggling, that god you have to cry out. Don be afraid, don't do this religious prayer. I don't want people to hear about my prayer. This church is a sick place when people go to find solution.

Speaker 1:

Be vulnerable, you understand. Be vulnerable to God. That's also part of humility. Don't look at a beautiful sister beside you, I don't care. Don't look at an handsome brother beside you, don't care. Because everybody, no matter their beauty, their status, the educational level they are, they're all sick, they're all broken and they need a savior.

Speaker 1:

A perfect example of the centurion he was a captain of 100 people. He needed help for somebody else. Be vulnerable to god. Be yourself when you come to church. God, I'm struggling with this sin. Good, oh god. I've been trying. Lord, have mercy. God, help me. Oh god, my family is broken. God, please help me. God, I cannot get along with this sister. God, help me. Be authentic. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others, be honest with God.

Speaker 1:

Don't don't come to God pretending as if all is well. Don't do that, because God, god, will see the BS. Come to God as you are, say God. Lord, I'm really hungry. God, I'm hungry. You want me to give this money. God, I need to pay my rent, but not my will as we done. Be real to God, tell it like it is. That's what god likes.

Speaker 1:

David say when my heart is overwhelmed, you can imagine a strong man, a mighty man of valor. His heart gets overwhelmed. We are strong men. We can get tired. The bible said a young man, you get tired. Yes, shall renew their strength. So my heart is lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Don't be afraid to come to God when you're overwhelmed with life. When a problem is too big in your head to carry, too big in your bank account, bring it to the Lord, amen. So that is the.

Speaker 1:

He was appealing, asking for help. He acknowledged, he surrendered, he submitted, he confessed. He acknowledged, he surrendered, he submitted, he confessed. He came to the Jewish rabbi for help Because don't forget, at that time, the Gentile and the Jewish, they could not associate. The religious people prevented the Gentile from coming to the synagogue of God. They pushed him away. Christ came to bring both the jew and the gentiles together.

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Jesus did not discriminate against this man, a rabbi, a teacher. He came not for a self-interest reason, but on behalf of somebody. Can you imagine this? This, this is the heart of faith, child of god. There's a heart for faith, which is the intent of faith love. He didn't come for his own interest. Are you hearing me? He came for somebody else, for the interest of somebody else who was sick.

Speaker 1:

God is looking for compassion. You cannot start your ministry without compassion, you cannot start your position in life without compassion. God, can I use you to be a leader without compassion? Jesus, the bible, said he was moved with compassion to heal. Whenever he sees people, the sister is crippling. He felt, he felt something. He felt sympathy and as a result of that passion for sympathy, come means to come passion. That's where the word compassion comes from passion for people. And then you proceed to help them. But our leaders in Africa, pastors in Africa, wherever they are, the members are suffering no compassion. They cannot be moved with compassion. But also Jesus, this man, had compassion.

Speaker 1:

Lord, my servant is lying at home, paralyzed, dreadfully tormented. He experienced the pain of his servant. This is he. He resembled jesus, who experienced our pains. As the king, the high priest, interceding every day, ask myself I'm a god, jesus, you already give your life, you already die for us. Why are you interceding in heaven again? Why? Because we are constantly sinning against god. We are constantly sinning against god. So, oh, oh, please, god, please forgive judith. You know, you know, financially she's going through. That is why she's not able to. Don't mind me, you know. Oh god, please forgive brahim. He likes women too much. Please, care, and compassion for others is key. Please, care, and compassion for others is key for you to have such a great faith. Are you following me? Now let's go to the other point Acknowledge, acknowledge. He acknowledged his unworthiness, he acknowledged his inadequacy and then he also acknowledged the authority and power of God. Some of us, we are very proud.

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We think that our money can resolve our problem. Look at this. Covid is a perfect example. Trudeau was just printing money. You guys follow the news Bank of Canada keep hiking the interest rate. No money, because why? Trudeau thinks that by giving canadians money resolve the problems of canadian mental health rised up. Why can we call on god? Money cannot buy mental health.

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The word of god can heal your mind. We have seen that this man acknowledges unworthiness and inadequacy. I am a captain, I'm a soldier, but my servant is healed. I can do nothing about it. Child of god, it doesn't matter, because you're a leader, you have to resolve all the problems. That's, that's a recipe for disaster.

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Humble yourself to god. That's exactly what solomon did. Solomon said god, you gave me so many great people to lead. I don't even know my left or my right. I don't know anything but god. I am pleading to you, give me wisdom. You see how he humbled himself as a leader. So god gave me wisdom how to lead these people. God gave him wisdom, he gave him wealth. He gave him so many things. Because of what humility this man was so humble enough to say, oh, my servant is healed, I can do nothing about it. And who am I to stand before this rabbi? This holy man called jesus. Who am I to stand before him? And then he also acknowledged the worthiness of jesus. He's a rabbi. He called him rabbi, lord, lord, lord, don't forget, he is a centurion, a commander, a leader himself, but he called Jesus Lord.

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The Pharisees, whenever Jesus would make claim about himself, they would fight him. Yeah, god, religion is dangerous. They will fight Jesus. Oh, I am the bread of life, I am the fountain of life. Are you telling us that you are older than Abraham? Are you a foolish man? Said before abraham, I am. They said this. This guy's, this guy's blasphemy. You must die.

Speaker 1:

You see, whereas a gentle, a non-jewish person who doesn't even deserve anything, jesus lord, do you know that anyone that receives a blessing from Jesus, they call him Lord. Have mercy upon me, lord, because that's his name. Lord, have mercy upon me. So if we don't have respect for the name of God, that is why our prayers are not answered. Oh, jesus, hey, jesus, do it all. You don't say master, jesus, lord and savioresus, call his title. I deny the king of the universe. Kill him, big him up. That's, that's, that's also how you can achieve great faith. He said lord, lord, master, you're over me, even though I am also a leader, but you are the king of kings, you are the lord of lords. He acknowledged who jesus is amen.

Speaker 1:

Now another point a testing of faith. A testing of faith. This is this. This is where the miracle took place, child of God, and I want you to pay attention to this. So much, you much. Chapter 8, verse 8.

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Then, when Jesus said I will come and heal him without no hesitation, the centurion answered and said look, oh, I'm not worried that you should come under my roof. I am not worthy of you coming under my roof. Some of us, we think we owe Jesus an apology. I am not worthy that you should come under my roof. But only speak a word and my servant will be healed. Some of us, we want Jesus to hail hands on us when we go to a big event. But only speak a word and my servant will be healed. So my first we want jesus to hail hands on us when we go to a big event. We want the pastor to slap us before we follow that, then healing will take place. We want the pastor to kick us, to punch us, then the miracle will take place. We want we. We want the pastors to lay hands on us. That miracle will take place. We want the pastor to come to our house before we believe. Hey, we want the pastor to give prophecy, to speak when god has not spoken.

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My friend was telling me that bribe me, don't force me to speak when god has not spoken. I said what do you mean? Say God has not spoken? He has not spoken. Read your bible, you see. He said only speak. You see, oh, god.

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Oh, this is one aspect of faith faith that will not put Jesus in a box. Faith that will not see Jesus as a man, because if you see Jesus as a man, you need Jesus to come and touch you and relate with you. But if you see Jesus as God, time, space and matter cannot hold God. This man understand that Jesus was not just a human being, that Jesus was God. That is why he said just speak the word. The logos the bible says in the beginning was the word and why he said, oh, just speak. The word. The logos the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god. Wow, this was before john john even recorded it the word of god. Jesus said the words that I speak to you, their spirit and their life in revelation, jesus is the word of god. He says just speak the word.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to come to my place, I don't need your physical presence. Oh my God, what makes you a strong believer? It's not really your attendance in church, that much. You can still come to church to fellowship your word, the word of God that you have in you. What about if your pastor doesn't come to you? Let's say the pastor is so busy Attending to this doesn't come to you. Let's say the pastor so busy, I turn into this, I turn to that, don't even have time to come, not because he doesn't want to come. What do you have? What do you have? What do you have? We have the Word of God.

Speaker 1:

This man did not have the Torah. I can imagine this centurion didn't have the Torah. But Alex, he didn't have the Torah, he didn't have a Bible. How he knew about who Jesus was? He was just true, normal interaction with people, conversation, and the Bible said he heard about Jesus.

Speaker 1:

So of course we want, oh my god, we want theology for us to believe, we want deeper revelation for us to believe. We want somebody to tell you I see, I see in your father's house a black cat. I see your mother house, hey, hey, liar, chasing you. We want to. We want to hear those things before we say, hey, man of God, preach it. Prophesy before we believe when God will say if you believe in my word, all things are possible to him who believes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we live in a time where, christians, we push aside the word of god and to hear what prophets have to say something deeper. They cannot go deeper than the word of god. There's no way a prophet or a man of god can go deeper than the word of god. The word of god is our final point. The word of god is our end point. Amen. The man says but, but just said the word and my servant will be healed. Just speak and my problems will be made whole. You have control over your life through your word. The bible says there's life and death in the power of your tongue. Whose report are you going to hear? Your faith is beat on what you hear. If you want to know god, hear about him, read his word, study his word. Your faith will grow, your faith will develop and nothing in life can move you.

Speaker 1:

This man didn't have the bible for him to keep learning. You and I, we have the bible. The more you read, the more you study, the more you hear god did it for abraham. Abraham's testimony is my testimony. Oh, david testimony is my testimony. Oh, david, testimony is my testimony. When your face with the Goliath, oh, let me, let me open some.

Speaker 1:

Well, hmm, david was nobody. You yourself, you're nobody. But if you want to read David, it was no, no, because you might say, oh, david was Galan, david was a soldier. He said God, oh, my god. God made the Word of God so relatable so you have no excuse to say oh God, oh, I think I didn't. The reason why it's not working for me is because I'm not rich. The reason why it's not working for me, I didn't come from a good family.

Speaker 1:

All of these men have got in the bible. They're all broken. David had a problem. David killed goliath when he was not even a preacher, when he was not even a king. He was just a small boy. He said I come to you in the name of the lord saul was there? His elder, all of them were there. They were in the military. They couldn't do nothing.

Speaker 1:

He was just a young man. So don't despise yourself. Jesus said if you have faith, like a mustard seed and say to this mountain be removed. He'll be removed. He'll be removed. They will kill a bear and a lion. Can you imagine, young man, don't despise yourself, child of God. I'm begging you If there. Don't despise yourself, child of god, I'm begging you. If there's anything that you want to live in this life, have the word of god in you. Have it in you. That's what's going to safeguard you. That's what's going to help you to to go through the challenges of life. Have the word of god in you. Speak by word or command, speak only your word. You don't have to come and lay hands or pray, just speak. Your word is powerful enough. This is what I learned about the word of faith. That's what I call the word of faith.

Speaker 1:

This man was satisfied with the word of jesus. He didn't need anything extra. He didn't need olive oil, thank god. He didn't need hand catching. Hey, oh, we are too religious with all these religious things. Oh, you need? You need only oil. You need the incense. Oh, the word of god is greater than all of these things. He was satisfied, content with the word of jesus. He was settled with the word of jesus. I am settled in this word. Just speak, oh, j oh, jesus, just speak, don't even come. He was strong in the word of God. That's the strength you can find in the word of God. The word of God was sufficient for him. He didn't need the religious leader to come along. No, he didn't need the disciples. Don't forget, jesus had disciples.

Speaker 1:

That is why Jesus, whenever Jesus would do a miracle, he would let people leave, just you and him. You know why. You know why that is. It's because Jesus wants you to put your faith in him and him alone. Another reason why he doesn't want anybody to take away what you have seen.

Speaker 1:

Hey, preserve your testimony, preserve your experience with God. Preserve the revelation that God has given you. Preserve it. Preserve your testimony. Preserve your experience with God. Preserve the revelation that God has given you. Preserve it, preserve it. Your heart is like a swell that God will plant, but Satan will come. Use people. You have heard the word of God. Oh, now you're walking by faith. Somebody will come. Your old friend will call you, tell you oh, brian, this is what happened. Preserve it, preserve what you have. Amen. We're almost done.

Speaker 1:

Let's go to the amazement of faith now. I like this. The amazement of faith, oh my God. The amazement of faith. That's verse 10. Look what it says this amazement of faith. Now it's from jesus again. Like I said, I started off by saying that our faith will be what tested and we shall receive what feedback of our faith? Right now, here's the feedback.

Speaker 1:

Oh, here's the feedback, from master Jesus in verse in verse, in verse 10. When Jesus heard it no, hey, no, what. That's what brother Alex did. What, what? No, no, you see, sometimes we can make, we can put a smile on god's face. So now, sometimes we can surprise god.

Speaker 1:

You know, god, god actually boast about you. That's what he did with job. He said have you considered my servant job? God boast about you. He boast about you. There's no one like him. Oh, there's no one like him. Have you considered my servant Moses? He's so humble. If God post about you, anyone that speaks against you will be fire, I'm telling you, if you walk right. So the feedback of Jesus to this man was he marveled. When he heard it, he marveled, he was amazed, he was shocked. What? And he said to those who follow he didn't actually give this feedback to the man, he didn't give the feedback to the man, he gave the feedback to the people.

Speaker 1:

Hey, god, child of God, just for you, god will use you as an example for others. Have you considered my brother here? Look at the way he lives, how much he loves me, how much he cares about me. Don't stop living for God. Your friends will laugh at you. Your family members will think you're crazy, but at the end of the day, god will give you a feedback. God will tell them have you considered my daughter? There's nobody like him. That position she must have it. You're planning evil to give the position to somebody else, but god will speak on your behalf because god looks around to bless.

Speaker 1:

God looks around to give positive feedback. He does that. He did that for ken and abel, he said. He said ken, not because I like abel more than you. If you have done well, I will accept you as well. I'll give you a second chance. Out of jealousy and envy. Can't kill abel, child of god here. It is very well.

Speaker 1:

Jesus will give us feedback. We know when we leave this world he's going to say he's not going to say well done, perfect servant. No, no. He's going to say well done my faithful servant. No, no. He's going to say well done my faithful servant. Are you faithful in the little things that God has given me. The Bible says if you're faithful in the small things, you'll be faithful in much. But us, we want to be faithful with so big things. If God can have things to do with one dollar, just small, one dollar to divide for your offering, and then you expect God to give you a million. Hey, that's one thing I've learned God works with little things. God tests you with little things, small pinch. You're insulting that person.

Speaker 1:

I remember I was in a TTC. This guy just bumped into me. I just turned around, I wanted to let go and then I realized, come back. This guy just bumped into me. Hey, I just stood around. Hey, I wanted to let go. I said, I said yo, and then I realized I have right, come back. Hey, come back here. Oh, come back, take a breath, okay, okay, okay, I'm like okay, lord, okay, I stood first, I stood there. Okay, god, I'm not gonna retaliate, ryan, come down. No, the righteousness, the anger of the anger of man, does not produce the righteousness of god. Calm down, calm down. It's hard. You want to lash out? Go, go away, deliberately, suspect, to push you, just to see how you react. God test us, amen.

Speaker 1:

Jesus said I surely, I surely open your bible to open it right. I want you to read for yourself too matthew, chapter 8, verse 10 the feedback of jesus, because that's what we want at the end. We want the feedback of jesus. I don't want the feedback of nobody else, but the feedback of jesus regarding my spiritual life, regarding my work with god. Are you there when jesus heard it? He marveled and he said to those who followed as surely I say to you, I have not found such great faith.

Speaker 1:

He described what kind of faith there are, types of my brothers, my sisters. Little faith, no faith, powerful faith. He says this type of faith is great. What is greatness? Something that is with magnitude, something that is large, something that is powerful, something that is superior. That's what we want, not even in israel. Oh, that's very sad. These are religious people that you expect to know god. You can come to church since 1989 till you're here 2023. You don't have such a faith. Simple things move you away from church. Simple things move you from God. Great faith these were religious people, he said, not even in Israel. This is very sad. Not even in Israel. Not even in Israel, not even among his own disciples, not even among his own disciples, not even among his own disciples, from somebody who is nobody, from somebody who is not part of the, the jewish people, from somebody who's actually rich, who has a shadow status.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we think that poor people have faith. Poor people are very proud, sometimes not all of them. Sometimes, I'm telling you, I'm telling you something don't despise rich people. There's some rich people who have some of them again I don't want to generalize who are very humble. There's some powerful people who are very humble.

Speaker 1:

Donald trump, he's the opposite of him. And joe biden. Joe trump is very cocky, he's very cocky. You know, joe biden, you know, yeah, he said not even in israel. This is very sad. You don't want jesus to come. So not even in this church, not even in your family.

Speaker 1:

When god, when god, has come to your family, will I find anybody that will believe that witches and wizard would die in this family because they have? They have punished this family for so long. Will god find anybody who will be a watchman or watch woman in that family? Will god find anybody who believed that faith in the bible church toronto will rise, who have so many people? Who god find such a griffin? You think that god is looking for everybody, for god to, to make him move. God is just only looking for one person.

Speaker 1:

God doesn't work so much with the masses, he works with few people. He works with few people when, when, when moses commanded us that the leaders to go spy the land, ten of them gave a bad report. It was only two people that gave a good report. Because of faith. These two, they believe in God. The rest, they don't believe in God. God said Moses, just stay out of my business. I'm going to kill these people. Why? Because they stood against these two men of faith. They stood against these two men of faith. They stood against these two men of faith.

Speaker 1:

People who are of faith, don't stand in their way. Don't bring your own belief to them. Leave them, because if you keep fighting them, you're fighting God. If you keep fighting people of faith, you're fighting God, because you're standing as a stumbling block to them and god will not tolerate that. He said. I said to you that many will come from east and west and sit down with abraham, many. There's no partiality with god. Oh, I've been in this church for so long. How come? My faith is not big, it's a lie. Oh, I've been in a religious background for so long. God, how come you're not making a move in my life? No, you have to believe.

Speaker 1:

The amazement of faith how this came about acknowledges the worth of jesus. He came to a jewish rabbi for help, that's. He knows that he's a teacher, he's a religious leader, not like the rest, and he also acknowledges worth as a lord. Lord. Help me, lord, come to my house. Himself is a the Lord, but he recognizes the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings. Yes, we are all children of God, but sometimes don't let that get into your head, thinking that now you are no Humble yourself.

Speaker 1:

And then the amazement of faith came about the word of Jesus, two things, the worth of Jesus. He valued Jesus For him to call. Just don't come to my house. That's value. So first we take jesus, so, so carelessly. Oh, it's just church, it's just it, it's just adam, you know. Oh, it's just you. Our family members disrespect us, what we carry. Somebody was telling me oh, it's just you and jesus. Jesus, but you're broke because why you don't see what you have in you, the wolf of jesus. Jesus, don't come into my house. You're too holy. Just don't come into my house. You're too powerful. Jesus, stand there.

Speaker 1:

And I realized that moses had that same experience. I'm not worthy. Every man of god that experienced god. They will conclude by saying I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy, but you, you want to come thinking that you're worthy. You have disqualified yourself.

Speaker 1:

And he said the word of jesus had tremendous power to heal. Speak your word. That's all I want to hear. Do you believe the word of god, child of god, this this morning? Do you truly believe the word of god? Don't just have it in your head. Do you speak it over your life? Don't just say you believe when all is well. The time you need to be to, to, to put the word of god to test is when you're in fire.

Speaker 1:

One thing I like about this what makes this faith amazed by jesus is that for him to say god, just speak your word, it would happen, which shows that he didn't see jesus as a normal man. Ah, that's the difference between religion and Christianity. One thing I've learned in my Christian life even though Jesus is fully man, but don't constantly associate Jesus as a man, see him as God. See him as God, because if you only see Jesus as a man, that came. That's why the Muslims don't believe in him. You see him just like any other man who's limited, who can't do much. But if you see him as as god, then when he speaks, the pharisees, they could speak, but nothing happens. Me, I can speak, nothing will happen. You can speak, nothing will happen. But if I'm god, I will say things. Things will happen. Jesus is god and that's why this man says just speak, because when you speak, jesus time cannot hold your word.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this bible has been there since Genesis, all the way in our time, making impact, changing lives. But so in our world, they'll tell us oh, the bible is irrelevant, don't believe it, it's outdated. When you outdid the bible, your life will be outdated, I'm telling you. That is why our world is broken. You're looking for all this mystical religious religion because the bible is outdated. The bible goes beyond space, time and matter. Oh, it's just matter. Oh, it's just for the white people, it's just for the black people. Even the Indians are coming to Jesus. The Chinese are coming to Jesus, everybody's coming to Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Don't say, oh, it's only Africans that pray well, that speak in tongues, that can perform miracles. No, no, everyone for us, it's not just for the Jewish people, it was also for the centurion. Also for the centurion, also for the centurion, yes, matter. Oh god, I want you to physically come, leave your hands and then my servant will be made whole. Oh, pastor duffus, I want you to drive all the way from london. Come and go into my house before, which is at least, I would die. They will leave.

Speaker 1:

The man is tired. He has been driving. The man said, okay, just, he will just give a word, instead of you to believe the person. That's not enough. Small faith, limited faith, little faith. This is jesus, just speak your word. It goes beyond physical space.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes jesus healed people just by speaking. Sometimes he would touch people. Sometimes he would say your faith has made you all. What are you saying that my faith has made me all? The one with the touch of faith she said if I can just touch the garment, sometimes we think that we have to do marathon prayer, marathon bible study. People who have received miracles, they do simple things, believe me. Obedience to simple act, obedience to simple act. If you have to touch the little tip of jesus garment, do that, you receive your miracle, amen.

Speaker 1:

One thing I've learned about the centurion that it does not detect on how jesus can heal his servant. One thing I've learned about the centurion is that it does not detect on how Jesus can heal his servants. We like to detect Jesus. Oh, you have to do it this way. Oh Jesus, wait, wait till this person comes. Oh Jesus, do it this way, do it this time. No, he didn't detect. He didn't prescribe to the Lord how and where he should perform the healing. He didn't detect.

Speaker 1:

Some of us want to tell God what to do when god is saying that, who's in charge, who's the master here? Don't forget. He said I can tell these people, go over there, they will go there, do this, they will do that. Do you know that he could have done the same thing too? Know your level when it comes to. That's why god, oh god. That's why the bible says he resists the proud, he gives grace to the humble. Know your level when it comes to god. He said when my people humble themselves, you have to. Before you pray, you have to.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we pray with pride. Do you know that? Oh, after god has used me, for example, god has used me. I've healed people. Now come, ah, god, today, who's next? That's pride, thinking that now I'm bishop td jackson, I'm dr mars moreau, now I can, I can walk on water. Humble yourself, say god was next. God, I can do nothing apart from you.

Speaker 1:

He didn't detect, he didn't tell jesus. Oh, jesus, you know what, um, it's like. It's like neman, when neman was trying to detect to the prophet elisha you send me to go and wash in this type of water? This water is dirty. Do you know who I am? We africans, we do that a lot. Oh, we africans, our honor, our name, our reputation is so big. The word of jesus is greater, higher and most esteemed than the emperor of rome. Don't forget, this man is a centurion, a captain. He can tell you what to do you have to do. Oh my god, this man has so much respect for Jesus as a Roman man. Oh my god. That is why Jesus said I've never seen such in Israel.

Speaker 1:

People are too proud. They think that they know God, but they don't even know God. But this man doesn't even know God. You know, the unbelievers are also proud. My uncle, who was an unbeliever, was telling me about Jesus. Hey, he thinks he knows the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Speaker 1:

Unbelievers would tell you that they know God more than you. Oh God, jesus would not do it that way. As if they know you, they would tell you why you're always confessing your sins or be a christian. It's as if they themselves they are. They are in right standing with god. Yes, be a christian, I will be a christian, I will humble myself and come before god. But that's out of pride, eh? When they think that they know the word of god more than you, that's out of pride, serious pride. That's what the religious leader we're doing. They think they know the word of god more than the word of god. Does that make sense? How can you say you know the word of god more than the word of god? Who has been sent to reveal the father? But now you think, oh god, hey, pride, pride is not good.

Speaker 1:

Child of god, jesus admires such a faith. The last point is the accomplishment of faith. We just want to jump right away to result. We just want to jump right away to response. But there's a process, the accomplishment of faith. That is in matthew, chapter 8, verse 13. It says then jesus said to the centurion go your way as you have believed. So let it be done. And his servant was healed that same hour. Go your way as you have believed, let it be done. There was no speaking tongues, there was no reading of the Torah. He said as you have believed in me, me, jesus, you heard about me. I didn't even preach to you. Did I preach to you? Did I come to your church to preach to you? You hear about me through the testimonies of people.

Speaker 1:

Child of god, god allows you to go through challenges. It's not just for you. Believe in me, you're going through problems. Don't allow people to tell you oh, oh, your challenges, I don't think they're going to be used for good works. The bible said it will cause all things to work together To those who are called according to his purpose, to those who love him. I don't care about my past. God will use it one day. I will share it. I will share it. It will be useful.

Speaker 1:

God, you help this young man who was so stupid, who was very poor in reading, who couldn't read, couldn't write. But you help him. The teacher concluded on him that man, you're gonna be a failure. I'm telling you, god takes what is broken to make it better. Amen. Jesus said go your way, let it be done according to your faith. Child of god, as you leave this place, your faith can work for you. Make use of your faith. I'm telling you make use of your faith, make use of your faith.

Speaker 1:

Before I conclude, I want to briefly go over the ingredients of this great faith. That's where I'm going to stop, the ingredients of what makes this great faith. What we see here. We see love, compassion and a sense of care. Love, compassion and a sense of care. We got that from the verse that says this man came to jesus on behalf of his servant who was very, very sick. Hey, what is the greatest commandment? Love, love for God and love your neighbor as yourself. That sums it up Love. Love never fails. Even faith will come to an end. Hope will come, but love will remain. God is looking at.

Speaker 1:

How much do you love people in this church? How much do you love your brother next to you? How much do you love your sister next to you? How much do you love your family member? How much do you love your brother next to you? How much do you love your sister next to you? How much do you love your family member? How much do you love your spouse? How much do you love your co-worker? Not just your church, not just we as church members. We also have to love your co-workers, even that person who's doing an odd job. Oh, thank you so much. Do we appreciate people? Oh, they're beneath me. I can't, I can't, I can't talk to you.

Speaker 1:

Humility that's another attribute of a great faith. Humility this man was a centurion, a leader, a captain of 100 soldier. He humble himself before jesus and called jesus lord. Humility that's an attribute to achieve a great faith. Unworthiness don't think that you can merit it. You don't merit nothing. Even Paul said oh wretched man that I am, who can save me from this, even when he has so many wonderful experiences. Paul, who was so vulnerable to say oh wretched, some of us won't even tell our bad things to people. Oh, pastor, I'm a womanizer. Hey, it's an issue. David said when my heart is overwhelmed, he admitted it that a man who's who's a, who's a man of valor, his heart was overwhelmed with too much problem. Paul said who wretched man that I am. But some of us, for us to even tell god our weaknesses? Plus, when I'm weak, I am strong. His grace is made perfect in my weakness.

Speaker 1:

Unworthiness, in your path, submission, mean that you obey. You obey when god, when, when god speaks. Obedience and finally, honor, finally honor. Honor the people who speak into your life, who are gifted, who have been grace. This centurion honored Jesus. Jesus was nobody in his sight. He wasn't a religious leader, he was just a rabbi, but he honored Jesus. When you honor God, god will also honor you. He wasn't a religious leader, he was just a rabbi, but he honored Jesus. When you honor God, god will also honor you. Pride will disfavor you.

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