Wisdom Grace


Brahim M.Kallon

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Are you struggling with lust? What if even your thoughts could be considered a serious sin? Jesus' profound teachings challenge us to consider the weight of our thoughts, which can lead to lust, involving a deep, strong, and uncontrollable desire. Join our thoughtful discussion on the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verses 27-30, where we explore how Jesus expands the commandment against adultery to include even lustful thoughts, highlighting the seriousness of lust leading to hell. We reflect on real-life examples from the Bible, such as King David's sin with Bathsheba, to illustrate the outcomes of unchecked desires. This is not just a discussion; it's a call to action for believers to pursue righteousness, exercise self-control, and uphold the sanctity of marriage. Join us in this thought-provoking discussion as we strive to align our lives with the teachings of Jesus and seek purity in an increasingly sexualized world.

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Speaker 1:

We're still in the study of the Gospels. Today we're going to go to another Gospel, hear what Jesus has to say about sexual sin, and whatever Jesus says about sexual sin that you and I we should believe and apply, because he is the master and he has the final say Amen. What you and I we should believe and apply, because he is the master and he has the final say Amen. So we're going to look at the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, from verses 27 to 30. The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, from verses 27 to 30. We're going to read it carefully and then we're going to break it down by verse. While you're doing this, I want you to ask yourself these questions what this passage is about, who this passage is about. You look at the how, the when, the where. Try to see if you can find Jesus. What is it that Jesus is trying to pass across to us? Observe it, look at it in their own time, look at the historical context, look at the reference of the Old Testament, look at their culture, and then we're going to bring it down into our own contemporary time so that you and I we can apply it. Amen. I'm going to start. Have heard that it was said To those of old. What was said To those of old? You Shall not commit adultery. But I say To you this is Jesus now speaking. At first he referenced a commandment in the Old Testament, in verse 28,. Now he is saying that I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart Verse 29. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, and the reason is for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish than for your whole body to be cast into hell. 30. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. The reason is for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish than for your whole body to be cast into hell. Amen. So if you look at the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, I'm just trying to give you guys an overview you have a series of Jesus Christ's teachings. Jesus speaks about murder. Today we are looking at adultery, right. Jesus speaks about the beatitudes. Jesus describes who we are as believers. We are salt and light. Jesus speaks about marriage. Jesus speaks about hopes, making promises. Jesus speaks about loving your enemies. These are all teachings, but today our focus is on the topic on adultery.

Speaker 1:

We see in verse 27 that jesus referenced the old Testament. He said you have heard that it was said he was speaking to a Jewish audience who are familiar with the scripture, the Old Testament. So Jesus is not bringing something new, he is bringing something that the people already know. So when jesus is referring to to to the audience, saying to them you have heard that it was said to those of old, you should not commit adultery. So Jesus is referencing Exodus, chapter 20, verse 14. In Exodus, chapter 20, verse 14, actually the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses, and one of them is verse 14. You should not commit adultery, you should not commit adultery, you should not commit adultery. And if you also go to Deuteronomy, chapter 5, verse 18, it says you should not commit adultery. So Jesus is referencing this commandment in the Old Testament.

Speaker 1:

Somebody might say, okay, but Jesus did not say you should not commit fornication or sexual sin. Fornication is having sex without marriage, whereas adultery is a married individual having sex with an unmarried person outside of marriage. So a married individual having sex with an unmarried person right Outside of marriage. So in essence, sex is actually meant for married individuals. That is why I believe Jesus did not mention fornication or any other sexual sin, because sex was originally meant for those who are in covenant relationship and they have the legal and the spiritual and the moral right to engage in sexual intimacy Right. So that is why we don't see fornication here. That is why, of all the emphasis, we don't see fornication here. That is why in the of all, the emphasis was not really on fornication, it was on adultery.

Speaker 1:

But jesus, in verse 28, is taking it further and I'm gonna stop there so that you guys can also give, give, give your thoughts. But I say to you we see here that Jesus referenced the Old Testament, but now he is adding, if I may use that word, he is adding to this commandment, which I believe is very difficult. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Men, we struggle with sexual sin. I'm not saying that women don't struggle, but men we struggle with sexual sin a lot. Jesus is well aware of that. That is why he mentioned that whoever looks at a woman. He didn't say If a woman looks at a man Because sexual sin, like I said, is common among us men, women also can commit sexual sin Amen Looks at her To lust For her has already committed adultery With her in his heart.

Speaker 1:

The word lust here means A strong desire. It could be a strong desire to sleep with someone, a strong desire for greed, a strong desire for power, uncontrollable desire. So there's nothing wrong of you having a desire or a craving for food or for sex, having a desire or a craving for food or for sex. It is wrong when you start visualizing, because that's what lust would do, when you start visualizing that woman, that man In your heart and in your mind. Because when you start visualizing that man, that woman in your heart, in your mind, if you don'tizing that man, that woman in your heart, in your mind, if you don't have control over that lost, that's going to entice you to take action.

Speaker 1:

But taking action, which is sometimes what you and I would call adultery, it's sin. But Jesus is saying that just the thought of it and having it in your heart, it's already a sin. And I believe the reason is because you have already defiled that woman in your head, you have already defiled that man in your head. You have pictured them naked, because when you picture somebody naked, you're disrespecting them. I will leave this to you guys, based on this few verses. We have read 27 and 28,. What is your opinion about adultery, fornication? Because if you lust after somebody, you can commit fornication against them, not just in adultery.

Speaker 3:

I'll respond to how Jesus was emphasized, his emphasis and also his reference to the Old Testament Testament. So I think why the church today is not taking this very serious? Because we don't have much teaching emphasis from the Old Testament. So I think we also have to go back, and I mean one of the things that Jesus came to enable us to do is to fulfill the law, so we don't have an excuse. With Christ, he's actually demonstrating our ability. You know he's trying to emphasize the ability, the reason why he has come as God in flesh to enable us to fulfill the law. And he's also talking to the congregation that believes in the law, believes in the word. So he actually comes to emphasize that.

Speaker 3:

If it is your eye, okay, the heart knows, but what the eye is seeing is causing you to beware. You're not supposed to be Crack it out. Yeah, if it is a community, if it is a relationship, if it's a, a group of people that are pulling you towards sin, you just give us one, one example, but I'm just looking at the, the way we can live. How can we? We avoid sin? Because Jesus is giving us options, how you can actually get rid of sin and how serious sin is that you can lose your eye.

Speaker 3:

That's how grievous it is. You can lose, actually, your eye. You can imagine losing your sight because of sin and when you go to join eight. Actually, there was a command from Moses that whoever commits adultery, especially a woman, should be stoned to death. So imagine if that does. Stone came to the eye so, before your eyes turned and plucked out, you sort of make an initiative. Yeah, so he's calling us to have an initiative, you know, towards being sinless. Yeah, so for me, that's what I think is a call for us to have an initiative, especially as believers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like the fact that Jesus Christ actually revealed to us how sin can start and how you can prevent it. Most times we think that sin starts with our action. No, it starts in our mind. We process it and it starts with our hearts. Our hearts feed our minds and then our minds now feeds our actions. That is why Jesus is saying that okay, I'm not talking about the act not the act, because the act is sin, but just you having that desire in your heart and you're not able to control that desire in your heart. And then you start imagining things who betide you when you're, when your eyes are exposed. Now let's go to a practical old testament example of this. We're bible students. We could. Let's let's go to um. First, samuel, samuel. Let me see here and see how this thing works out. First, samuel, no, second, samuel, chapter 11, verse 2 to 5. Second, yeah, second, samuel, chapter 11, verse 2 to 5.

Speaker 1:

Another way to do Bible study is always to, when you read a passage or verse, you look, look at cross-references, you look at okay, is there an example of what this verse is talking about? So that is where we're going to see a real-life example how David started. You know, in verse 2 it says then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king's house. Wow, and from the roof he saw what was Jesus saying? If you are high causes you to sin, plot it out. Men can desire a woman through their eyes. Men will sleep with you just by looking at you. Women will sleep with you just by connecting with you. Women sleep with men based on their emotions. That is why Jesus emphasized because Jesus was actually using us men to prove a point, because this is something that we struggle with the most. I'm not saying that women don't struggle with that, but we struggle it with the most. That is why I said if your eye causes you to see things, block it out. So here the Bible says that. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing. Okay, it's good for your eyes to roam around, but certain things in a woman's body that your eyes should not roam, for example, we're in church. That is why how our sisters come to church, how our sisters dress. I know women don't like to hear this, but I have to say it. I have to say it. I know we struggle with this. I know when men, when we see women, that desire will automatically come up. It will automatically wake up. It will automatically wake up. That beast will wake up.

Speaker 1:

Why a woman can dress modestly, meaning that all of her particulars are covered. I'm not saying that you should dress like a Muslim no, that's not what I'm saying. But you dress in such a way that your essentials are not exposed. Your essentials should only be exposed to your husband. But when you come to church you're wearing something very tight. Your essentials are being exposed and they are brothers in church and you expect them to cover their eyes. Obviously, their eyes will be moving around.

Speaker 1:

Look at David. There's no way you will see a woman bathing. You look once. Believe in me, you have already captured her in the head. Ah God, when you look at essentials with your eyes, your eyes is like your eyes feeds your mind. You will try to get rid of that thing off your mind. It's not easy. It's not going to go out easily. You will meditate what you will do to that woman. You will go home, meditate, but because David was a king and he had power, oh god, sin starts in the head with your eyes, and then it goes in your mind. The bible says the woman was beating. That's that serious. And the woman was very beautiful to behold. Can imagine the woman was naked and at the same time the woman was beautiful Too. Disaster. You are watching a woman who is having bath and she's beautiful, oh God. So David sent and inquired about that woman.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure after David had seen what he had seen, the thought of getting this woman was in his head. He could not get this woman off his mind Because the image that he saw has already registered in his mind. You see, our eyes are powerful. What we see can register in our minds, what we hear can register in our minds. What we see can turn a man on, what we hear can turn a man on. That is what the tournament said, that don't let our sweet words catch you. Catch you.

Speaker 1:

This is a real life example. An inquiry about the woman. And someone said is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Helen, the wife of Uriah the Atheist? Then David sent messengers and took her and she came to him and he lay with her. For she was, oh my god. Because david had power. When a man has money, this is the fact that money will give him so much opportunity to sleep with any woman because money is a weapon for him, that he will use money or power to get any woman that he wants. And that's what we saw here with David. He used his power. This woman was married. He used his power as a king.

Speaker 1:

So we, as ministers in leadership position, because people come to us yes, sir, if we are not careful, we can manipulate the female members and get into their pants. If we don't exercise discipline and the reason why the female members will be praying, exercise discipline and the reason why the female members will be brave is because we are in a place of authority. But if we are ordinary guys, day-to-day normal guys, they will not vouch. That is why I said David uses power to get this woman. You can be in leadership position as a minister and you will use your power to get any woman. You can be a president.

Speaker 1:

Look at what's happening in the US. You can use your power to get to sleep with any woman that you want and then you can cover it up. Men, we do that. I don't know about women, but men, we do that. I don't know about women, but men, we do that, and that is the fact. We are all guilty of that If God does not intervene to help us, we will use our money, we will use our power, amen. So that is a real life example in the Bible of a man of God, a king, using his power to commit adultery with another man's wife. It started out because he looked, as Jesus said.

Speaker 1:

Now Jesus is saying that that is sin. Just by looking at a woman, it's sin. It's sin. You have already committed adultery, not just by the act. Just by thinking about her Naked, in her in your mind, you have already committed sin.

Speaker 1:

How can the sisters in the church help us as the brothers? I know we live in a contemporary age where you can't tell people what to do, how to dress. I understand, just as the brothers cannot use manipulative tactics. Oh, sister, I have a car, I have a house. Oh, I'm the pastor, I'm in the media team, I'm a minister here. The sister should also not exercise their power, which is their power, their body, it's their power over us. How they dress is their power over us. What they say to us is their power over us. What they say to us is their power over us as much as men, we have power. You guys also have power over us. Your particulars are is for your husband, it's not for any other man. Nobody wants to hear this in our time. How the guys dress Us too. As a man, I can't just wear a fitted shirt with my muscles sticking out. No, I can't. I have to cover myself.

Speaker 1:

And Jesus emphasizes in verse 29, he says if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish than for your whole body to be cast into hell. You see, one sin can lead to another sin. All these sins that we commit, they're interconnected, because when David committed adultery, it led to murder and deceit. Because when you, you're married, you sleep with a woman you will try to cover up. That's lying. That's lying. That's lying. May God help us. So Jesus was saying that Deal with it right away, or else your entire body Will perish in hell.

Speaker 1:

Is he literally saying that when you look at a woman, your eyes is looking at her. We should cut it off? I don't believe that. He was just saying that when you look at a woman, your eyes is looking at her, you should cut it off. I don't believe that he was just saying that, okay, don't go to places. Don't go to places when you know you're not able to control your eyes. I told God I cannot evangelize to beautiful women. That's a fact. I can only evangelize to old women. I'm telling you, if you guys want me to go do evangelism, please send me to old women. You understand, you understand, no, no, no, no. Self-control, yes, obviously publicly, but not one-on-one, you see. So Jesus is saying that if your eye causes you to sin, disassociate, which makes sense. Don't go to places that you know when you see things you will sin. Don't be with other that you know when you see things you will sin. Don't be with other men.

Speaker 1:

I used to have this friend when I called this guy. This guy talks about women, women. God was like whenever you talk to these guys about women, that will lead you to start thinking Stop communication. Sometimes you have to really disassociate with certain people. You have to Certain places. Don't even go there Downtown, because that's where I work that young, and don't ask. I try to walk very fast. Don't Certain music, certain videos. They will stare up that desire. When I gave my life to Jesus, one of the first things that God did for me was to save me from rap music, rap videos, because I was addicted to rap videos for the ladies I don't even know. God automatically changed me not to watch rap videos Because that would have caused so much disaster. Let me hear from you guys. I want to learn.

Speaker 3:

I'm just excited that men will always use their place of influence. Like the example of David, he used his place of authority. But also we see that it's not only men who commit adultery. When you go to John 8, the one we just the account in Samuel is an account of a man in adultery. Also, when you go to John chapter 8, I think from verse 11, there's a woman brought to Jesus in an act of adultery.

Speaker 3:

So adultery can be a woman or a man, so we don't have to pin men alone. There's an account in the gospel where also a woman is highlighted with an account of adultery. So that's something I wanted also to show, Because women may be comfortable here thinking oh you know, that is a man thing. So, it's not a man thing, it's any.

Speaker 3:

It's marriage outside yeah I mean sex outside your marriage. So david was not married to a bastard, she just. He just lasted and then, you know, used his place of influence. I I just want to study more about this woman. I don't know whether she also had a place of influence, that's I haven't studied a lot about it. But adultery is a place where you have sex outside your mother, and it's not just for men. That's something I wanted to emphasize.

Speaker 2:

The action was between two people but they chose only one. Was it because the law was passed that any woman found uh having a doubt should be stoned? Today, the man escaped.

Speaker 1:

The man ran he escaped? That's a good question. I think he escaped for me.

Speaker 3:

The answer I have is that in the Jewish community by then women were actually, the law was not in their favor.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 3:

The law was in favor of men.

Speaker 1:

Men yeah.

Speaker 3:

And anything that women would do against the law for them. It would catch them so fast. So that's something.

Speaker 1:

I know about women. Women were really compromised.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So they were very, very. That's something I know about. Women were really compromised.

Speaker 1:

They were very, very. That's absolutely true. The law favors the men. You understand, if you also. You see, adultery is not just for young people. Sexual sin is not just for young people.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we think that it's only because when you're young, at that age 15, 15 maybe to 30 that's when your chemical reactions are up. Look what it says in job. Job is an old man. The bible job said I have made a covenant with my eyes. Job chapter 31, verse 1. He said I have made a covenant with my eyes. Why then should I look upon a young woman? Sexual sin and the eyes? I'm speaking for us as men. Our eyes and sexual sin go hand in hand.

Speaker 1:

If we're able to control, what will lead us, as men, to commit sexual sin is what we see in a woman. I can only imagine lust, based on what I have seen in a woman. We live in a culture where the culture is sexualized. We live in a culture where the culture is sexualized. We live in a sexualized culture. Even a young lady 15, dressed in such a way in Africa, your uncle will slap you, your father will slap you, but not in this culture. I can't talk about the internet. It's what we see that causes us to commit adultery, yes, or sexual sin.

Speaker 1:

And it's not just for young people, also for old people. There's a need of position draw. That is why you have to get married. One of the criteria to be an elder in church is for you to get married. Have your own family, have your own wife. It's for your own protection, so that you're not tempted to use your power to get into a member in the church who is single. And the reason why the woman also should get married, because why your husband will be there to protect you, because your husband will not see you dressing like this going to church, because he knows that other men are looking at you. That is why Paul said before you're burning get married. Actually, when you're married, it will help you a lot because if you want to lust, you are entitled to desire a woman in the context of marriage um, if you're not married, okay, the bible encourages us if you're burning with that lust, you should marry to avoid lusting around or with other people.

Speaker 2:

But then there are people who get married but you see, they are still having the problem. Is it that something is like they need to be delivered from? It's not like just only a weakness, it's something that they is. It has deeper root, because someone who, if you know, you are married, you have a wife, but you're still going around sleeping with other people in Galatians, chapter 5, he says it was for freedom that Christ set us free.

Speaker 3:

Therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Look, I, paul, tell you that if you have yourself circumcised, christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who has himself circumcised that he is obligated to keep the law. Someone who has believed is expected to keep the word, to be enlightened, to always use the word. You have been spared from Christ. You are seeking to be justified by the law. You have fallen from grace, for we, through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for hope of righteousness. So, as believers, our hope, what should be in our hearts, what should be our craving, our desire, should not be seen. What a believer should be? What Paul is saying? That the fact that we are free from sin, because the life we obtain from Christ is the right of righteousness which is above sin. That's the victory we have in Christ. Before we received Christ, the body was just struggling, but with Christ we broke the yoke, we defeated sin. So he said that the Christian, a believer, should be moving towards that, looking towards that. So if you still have that eye, that's where Jesus comes and says you have to just break it out. You have to do something as a believer, in other words, where our hope is to be righteous, every step you make you're believing. Believing, you're hoping that I am pursuing righteousness, not sin, and righteousness also pursuing me, not sin, pursuing me. So for me, that's what I can say, that if you're married and you're struggling, it's something we have to work out, something we can pursue. We are not pursuing struggle, we are pursuing victory over the struggles. And then we see that. And then he says he went ahead and said from verse 1, I read from verse 1, he talks he reminds us of our freedom. We are free from sin, very free. So jesus reminds us that we, we have a space where we have to look at the right things. So if the space we have set, we start violating it, whatever makes us violate. That is what we have to do with the doctor about the eye, talks about the arm, but but also Paul said we have freedom, we have a life we have received in Christ that if we drop it, then the grace we have received is of no value.

Speaker 3:

And then he talks about the love we have for Christ. It compels us to do good, to do right. If you love Christ and you love the price, the sacrifice he paid, you also take a sacrifice to deny yourself that desire to gratify your desires, because desires God is not taking out your desires. Stop even telling them they are devils. They are not devils, they are not. I'm telling you the biggest battle is not that demon, because we overcame demons, they are under our feet'm telling you the biggest battle is not that demon because we overcame demons. They're under our feet.

Speaker 3:

But it is the flesh and the spirit. And once you know where this is coming from, you'll overcome. My experience is that I know what is carnal and I know what is spirit. So, as a woman of the spirit, you pass what is spirit. And then the Bible says that canine is death, dead. So marriage is going to die. You know your repetition is going to die. So anything that comes from the freshers that's that has also helped my mind. When, when I know that the bible says everything that comes carnally, freshly is going to cause me to die, lose myose my reputation, lose my status. So for me that's enough. Carnality is death and also the freedom we have. Can you imagine if no one is accusing you. Well, how much freedom do you have? You can't even dress anyone. You're not offending anyone, you're not dressing, you don't have an intention for putting on that dress. But if you're putting on that dress with an intention for putting on that dress, but if you're putting on that dress with an intention or pursuing a man, then then that's, that's, that's the thing.

Speaker 3:

So christ paul is calling us to enjoy this freedom, because I'm putting on this dress, but not with an intention, no. And then the man also. You can look at a woman and just appreciate serious ibrahim, because what's the intention of looking at that woman to last? No, no. Look at your sister and appreciate, say, sister, you are smart, and walk on because we have so much freedom, why would you last a moment? That is not your woman.

Speaker 3:

I want to call you to this piece of of Galatians, because I don't want to read the other piece of the foolish Galatians, who started in the spirit and then ended up in I know what you're saying, because the bible says that how can a young man cleanse his way?

Speaker 1:

by taking heat to the word right? That is why the bible says we have to renew our mind, meditate upon the things. That is why what you see, for example, or what you hear, you can hear the bible, you can watch Christian movies, or you can meditate on the things that will distract your eye, that will distract your mind. Right, practical means you understand. But um, there's another verse that came to mind when, when, when. It says be led by the spirit. When you're led, don't forget there are two powers in your two forces. You have spirit, you have flesh. This, our flesh, is not taken away. No, like you said, our desire is there, like sex is there. God is not going to take it away. Right, as believers, we we have the flesh, we have the spirit. What nature we feed would dominate our life if we are influenced by the spirit? The bible says If we are influenced by the Spirit.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says when we are led by the Spirit or when we walk in the Spirit, three categories of sin will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. The lust of the flesh is not just sexual sin, the lust of the flesh could also be eating, and then the lust of the eye and then the pride of life. So one way that can help us is when we are constantly abiding in the things of the spirit, we don't have time to fulfill the things of the flesh, but when we're not. That is why bible study is good, right, because when you're not feeding the things of the spirit, you're gonna feeding the things of the spirit. You're going to feed the things of the flesh. You are empty. So God has not completely taken away the flesh. The flesh is still there. You just have to starve it. That is why salvation is in three stages.

Speaker 1:

We are saved from the penalty of sin, which is past what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. We are saved, which is present now, from the power of sin, which is past what jesus christ accomplished on the cross. We are saved, which is present now, from the power of sin. You can choose to sin if you want, but sin has no power over you. An unbeliever cannot resist sin, no matter if they use their willpower, sin dominates them completely, whereas as believers, as the woman of god said, we are free from sin.

Speaker 1:

Sin has no power over us because we are born again, according to third john. We are born again, we have a new nature, but we can also feed the flesh and allow sin to dominate us, which is the power of sin. Now we will be saved from the presence of sin, which is what we call glorification, when we have a new body. We don't have a new body, so the flesh is still in us and the spirit is still in us. So you have salvation, sanctification.

Speaker 1:

So sanctification is the process of purification. You are purified each and every day. Glorification is when jesus will come and completely save our body, where our spirit is saved, our soul is being saved and our body will be saved when christ comes. So that is the full package of salvation. It's a phase, it's a process, right, and if you read this same account, let's talk about the hand. We have spoken about the eye. I'm just wondering why did Jesus Christ use the hand? Look what he said. He said if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you than one. Your members perish.

Speaker 1:

You see, the Bible is written in a I don't want to use the word patriarchal but in male terms. Not because again, not because that male terms is just the way their language is structured, right, but it also includes both male and female If you read the book of Proverbs. The book of Proverbs talks a lot about sexual sin and Solomon called that woman the strange woman Because he had experience with the strange woman. Like I said, the strongest way for us men to fall into sin is our eye. We can also fall into sin with what we hear, the sweet words of a woman. He said don't be charmed by something in the book of Proverbs. Don't let her high eludes you, don't be charmed by her words. Sometimes the words of a woman can charm a man and the touch of a woman, just an handshake, can make your body quiver. So Jesus is not only saying that okay, guys, what you see, what you hear, cut off your ears, cut off your eye, but also your hand Don't touch. Keep your hands to yourself. Don't do this hug where. Don't hug a sister in the touch tight where her breast is touching your chest. Don't do that. Don't do that. I know, I know it's just an innocent hug. Don't do that. Believe me, don't do that. It's not an innocent hug. Your breast is touching another brother. No, your breast should not be touching to the brother's chest, not that the brother's chest touches your breast is touching another brother. No, your breast should not be touching to the brother chest, not that the brother chest touch your breast, except your husband. Don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, a woman again, this is just my own opinion. When a woman dresses, your three particulars the one in the front, the one also in the front and then the one at the back, those are the three particulars that they should not be exposed, emphasized. You know what I mean? They should not be, because those are the three particulars that can turn a man on. Let's be real. If you want to touch a sister, don't you even touch her from her back. No, just greet her hand. Don't even even touch her from her back. No, just greet her hand, don't even hug her. These are practical things, especially if you're not, if you don't have I know the man of God said that. Well, we are free, you can dress anyhow. Prevention is better than cure. You understand, prevention is better than cure. Don't hug a sister too tight, I'm telling you yes, you can appreciate a beauty, okay, say you're beautiful, that's it.

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Say you're beautiful, okay, if somebody appreciates your beauty, they will use your beauty. But if they say you're sexy, men, I'm telling you, if a man tells you that you are hot, they want to get into your pants. If they tell that you are sexy, they want to get into your pants. But if they say you are beautiful, it's okay, ah, they just appreciate it. Yeah, again, yeah, yeah, yeah, that compliment. Yeah, beautiful, yeah, that's compliment. Yeah, that's it, that's it. You're desirable, you're charming, I want to eat you, you know. So, woman of God, these are all.

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You can't even use your hand to wave. No, no, no, you can wave, you can wave. You can't even use your hand to wave. I'm telling you Cut it off. That's how serious it is.

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Another reason why God does not want us to have sex before marriage is because when you have sex before marriage and if your husband is not good or your wife is not good, it's a disaster. And then don't forget that God is wiser than us. But sometimes we think that we know, we know, we don't know, because human beings, we are so complicated that we are not satisfied. That is why Christ has to be our satisfaction first. If Christ is not your satisfaction, you look to money, alcohol. Even power in church can be lost. Look to money, alcohol. Even power in church can be lust. You can actually lust after power in church, after dominance in church.

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These are all ways of lusting, a strong desire for wanting something, and you will go all out to get it. If you have to kill, you will kill. If you have to manipulate, you will manipulate. So lust can lead. Lust is not just the sexual sin. No, lust can lead to other sin. That's how bad it is that Jesus is saying that this thing can lead you to hell, because eventually, if you can't get that man's wife, you kill that man to get his wife.

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Women do that too. Women can lust, but not in a sexual way. They can lust after a successful man To get that man. Because you got that man, that man is a man of God or that man is rich. You don't want your sister to get that man, so you do whatever it takes. You poison your sister Because why you have a strong desire to be with that man. That's also lust. So lust is very deadly because it can lead to other sins like lying, manipulation, murder what we tell you jealousy if the man was alive, I think the man would have come after David. Murder jealousy If the man was alive, I think the man would have come after David. You see, god describes his relationship with Israel like he called them prostitutes. So you guys are prostitutes.

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And the reason why God hates fornication, adultery or lust is because sex is a way of, is the physical expression of love Right and it's supposed to be between the covenanted couple. It should not be shared with anybody else. The covenanted couple. It should not be shared with anybody else. God does not want you to share for somebody else to sleep with your wife or for somebody to sleep with your man. He does not want that. It's disrespectful. Sexual sin is dishonoring. You're spreading yourself everywhere. You're naked to every man. You're naked to every woman. You're naked to every woman. May God have mercy on us.

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When God created Adam and Eve, the Bible said they were both naked. To who? To each other, adam and Eve. They were not naked to anybody else. They were naked Because, see, when you're naked you're vulnerable. So your nakedness should be to each other. Protect each other's nakedness and Jesus said if you don't deal with it right away. It's going to affect your entire body.

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Now your mouth is sinning. Your eyes already sin with lust. Now your mouth has to lie. That's another sin. Now your hand has to plan to go kill somebody. Your mouth has to lie. That's another sin. Now your hand has to plan to go kill somebody, to go hurt somebody that's another sin.

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You see how serious this sin is. And we look at David as a perfect example. The eye, the mouth manipulated his disciple, go call this woman and then murder his hand. That's why Jesus is saying that if your right eye causes you to sin, deal with it right away. Cut it off, or else this thing will lead to another and eventually your entire member will be put into hell. At least Jesus is actually showing mercy. He's like okay, don't cut every part of your body, cut the one that is giving you problem.

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If you know certain people will lead you to sin, don't associate with them. You know certain places will lead you to sin. Don't associate with them. I said God, how do I want to spend my week? Walk Wednesdays Church, go home, mind my own business. Sometimes, when you walk around, sometimes when you're a high duel, the enemy will play around with your head, you understand.

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Occupy yourself, yeah, why do you think young boys are doing foolish things? Because they're haidu? They're haidu at an early age. We should not expose our children into this love, love thing. And now we live in a world, this pride month, where we live in a sexualized culture. You see this LGBT, sure God, in front of our children, sexualizing our children, drag show in library, in schools. They want to sexualize our children and they can pray on our children.

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We are gonna pray now. We are done. Let's, let's pray that God will occupy our, our body parts not to see things which not see. Hear things we should not hear. Well, hear things we should not hear. Lord, we thank you for your word. That has convicted me myself, lord, and I know I have sinned against you in this area many times. Lord, I am just asking you, lord, that you will help us all, the men and women, even the father, and just lusting after a woman, or a man lusting after a woman, verse, verse, oh God, starts in our hearts what we see, not just the act. The act is evil, lord, but you want us to completely stop it. Put an end to it when it creeps in our hearts and mind. Lord, we have heard your word. Creeps in our hearts and mind. Lord, we have heard your word.

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Help me not to see things that will lead me to adultery, fornication, sexual sin of any kind.

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Help me not to hear, o God. Help me not to think, not to touch, not to take my feet to places, o God Almighty. Lord, occupy my eyes to behold wondrous things. Occupy my ears to hear your word. Occupy my feet to come to fellowship, heavenly Father. Occupy my hands to work, heavenly Father. Occupy my heart to desire you, o God Almighty. Occupy my mind, heavenly Father, to study about you, about you. Oh god, lord, have mercy upon us.

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Heavenly father, we struggle with sexual sin, no matter the age, heavenly father, no matter the gender. We live in a sexualized world, heavenly father, everywhere we go, oh god, we expose. Oh god, to sexual immorality. We expose to nakedness, heavenly father, we expose to dishonor. Heavenly father, god, help us not to lust after our sisters in church. Help us not to lust after our brothers in church. Help us to dress in such a way that will not exposed our particulars, heavenly Father, help us, o God, lord, help us, heavenly Father, to compose ourselves. Heavenly Father, o God, help us to speak in such a way that is decent. Heavenly Father, to dress decently, to act decently. O God, among ourselves. In the name of Jesus, lord, read us off of every sexual sin, o God, from our hearts, our minds, our actions, our words. O God, almighty, in the name of Jesus, o God, whenever the thought creeps in, o God, help us to put an end to it. O God, lord, we cannot do this in our own human power. We want to be led by your Spirit. We want to walk in the your spirit, we want to walk in the spirit. We want to feed the spirit, oh god, so that, god, we will not lost after the flesh, we will not lost after the eye, we will not lost after the pride of life. In the name of jesus, oh god, lord, your word says how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed to your word, lord? Help us, oh God, to renew our minds, to meditate upon the things that are noble, the things that are proper, the things that are excellent.

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Heavenly Father, not to watch things, oh God, that will lead us into sin, not to hear things that will lead us into sin. Oh God, give us the grace to control our appetite, to control our desire for sex, to control our desire for the opposite sex. Oh god, help us, oh god, to control it, even the father, oh god, help us, help us our desires, oh god, don't allow our desire to take over us. Oh god, give us the grace to to discipline our desires. Give us the grace to say no to our desires. Give us the grace to resist our desires, oh god, oh god, help us. Heavenly father, give us the grace, oh god, we cannot do this without you.

Speaker 1:

Heavenly father, give me the grace to say no to my desire, oh god, almighty, give me the grace now, oh god, to my desire. Oh God, almighty, give me the grace now, oh God, to exercise self-discipline. Heavenly Father, yes, marriage is good. Oh God, I want to exercise self-discipline now, oh God, almighty, so I don't falter when I am married. Oh God, oh God, give me self-control right now. Give us self-control, heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, oh God, help us to exercise self-control. A father in the name of jesus, oh god, help us to exercise self-control, oh god, over our appetites. Oh god, and yes, lord, yes lord, thank you jesus, thank you lord, yes, lord, in jesus, precious name of prayer, amen.

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