Wisdom Grace

THE 5 W’S OF KINGDOM MEN - Kingdom Men of Valor Series

Brahim M.Kallon

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Our latest sermon offers a refreshing view rooted in biblical principles. It redefines what it means to be a man of valor and delves into the qualities every Kingdom Man should embody. There's wisdom here for women too, whether you're a wife, mother, or simply seeking to better understand the men in your life.

Chapter Markers 
0:01 - The Kingdom Man's Five W's
13:49 - The Importance of Work and Service
20:19 - Embracing Purpose, Provision, and Word
33:48 - Value and Respect in Relationships
46:50 - The Call to Worship and Honor
50:29 - Characteristics of True Manhood

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Speaker 1:

Today I want to share with you briefly. This message is for the men, but it doesn't mean that, ladies, you guys can learn from it. Okay, if you're wise, you will listen attentively. And the reason why you will listen attentively for women is because you will know and understand, as a wife, how to relate with your husband. As a mother, you will know and understand how to relate with your male child and, as a woman, you will know and understand how to relate with a man. We live in a confused society. We live in a world where you can just wake up one day and decide to change your gender.

Speaker 1:

Child of God, I don't want you and I to play church. This is not church. Church is outside, at your work. Church is in your community. Church is in Uganda.

Speaker 1:

God wants you and I to reflect his image and likeness, not just in church. When we go out there in the the world, we have to stand for the principles and the values of god as men, amen. That is why god is raising kingdom men of valor. We had our first event, kingdom men of valor. Another one is going to come very soon, amen. So after the service, I'm going to speak to all the men, because god is about to take us to another level and I want you to come believing, I want you to come hoping, I want you to come expecting. Amen. Don't be afraid, because I know what this God is capable of doing. So today I want to share with you guys the five W's of a kingdom man. The five W's of a kingdom man. The five W's of a kingdom man. We see the fall of humanity happen as a result of Adam's disobedience. The Bible refers to Adam as the first man, amen. You see, the first man is not a good example for you and I to follow. That is why Jesus is called the son of who, the son of man. So if you need a model, if you need an example, look unto jesus. That is why, you and I, your prayer should always be god father me. God father me so I can father my children. God father me so I can father the church. God father me so I can father the community. The word father in Hebrew means source.

Speaker 1:

Most times, just because you're a physical man, you think that you are a man already in terms of maturity. No, you're not. Yes, you're not. Yes, you can be physically built, but you're still a boy inside. But what makes you a man is not your male organ. What makes you a man is your moral obligation in society. What makes you a man is your walk with God. That is why, see, david was a giant killer. Why? Because he was a man that worshipped God. He wasn't ashamed to dance.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, when we dance in church as men, when we cry, we make as if we are weak. No, we're not weak as a man. Come to God the way you are as a man. Express yourself to God. Amen. Cry to God. Cry to God. I'm telling you. Cry to God. Cry to God. I'm telling you. Cry to God.

Speaker 1:

God, things are not working out for me. God, I'm not able to take care of my home. God, I'm not able to look after my wife. God, I'm not able to take. Oh my God. David said when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Speaker 1:

A real man is not afraid to admit that, god, I am wrong. A real man is not afraid to say, god, I made a mistake. A real man is not afraid to say, god, I messed up, but you know what I am coming back instead. A foolish man will blame, like adam, but a real man will take accountability. That god, I did it, that god I. I can change, I want to change. We have all made mistakes. It's okay. You have made mistakes, you have messed up your life, it's okay. But I'm here to tell you that you know what God can give you a second chance if you humble yourself and say Mukama, here I am, help me to become the reflection, your representation in this church, at home and in life. Amen.

Speaker 1:

So when you look at Genesis, chapter 3, verse 9 to 10, it says Then the Lord, god, called on Adam and said when are you? Wow, god is looking for you. God is asking all of us as men when are you in life? Where are you? Are you hiding? Are you in the club? Are you stealing? Are you in that mental anguish? Where are you, young man? Where are you? Our fathers, where are you? The same question that God posed to Adam is the same question that God is posing to you and I. The Bible is timely, the Bible is relevant. God is asking you as a man where are you in life? Look at the response of Adam. So he said I heard your voice in the garden. I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself. Because I was naked and I hid myself. Men are afraid in this time. Men are naked.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't mean that you're physically naked, but meaning that you're vulnerable in life. Don't be scared to say God, I'm afraid, I don't know how to take care of my home. I don't know how to pay my bills. I don't know how to take you off my home. I don't know how to pay my bills. I don't know how to take you off my family, uganda. Good, I don't know. I don't know. God, I'm afraid, I'm afraid. How can I be a good father? How can I be a good husband? How can I be a good minister in this church? God, I'm afraid, because I don't have any father to father me. All of my friends are drug dealers. I don't have no role model. God, I am afraid. God, I'm naked, I'm vulnerable. I have mental health issues. I want to take my life, I want to commit suicide. God, I am naked, but I'm here to encourage you, child of God.

Speaker 1:

According to Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9, it says have I not command you? Now, god is speaking to you. Kingdom, men of valor. Yes, you are afraid, yes, you are naked, but god is saying have. I not command you. Command you with what.

Speaker 1:

Be strong and have good courage. God is commanding you. God is not begging you. God is not pleading with you now, since you don't want to listen, to be a real man. God is not commanding you, said I need you in the same time. I need you in the society, I need you in Canada Because of the moral disintegration, and I need men. But I want you to be what Be strong and have courage.

Speaker 1:

Do not be dismayed, do not be afraid. Why, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go. The reason why you have to be strong, the reason why you have to be strong, the reason why you have to be courageous, it's not because of your physical muscle, it's not because of your bank account, it's not because of your eloquence, it's because of who god. If you have mukama behind you, nothing can move you. If you have god behind you, nothing can move you. He said be strong and good courage, do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, for the lord, your god, is with you everywhere you go. Be a man of faith, not a man of fear, amen.

Speaker 1:

So now let's look at the first W Worth, worth, worth. The reason why sometimes we fall for garbage, we fall for everything, is because we don't know our worth. Your worth is not based on your bank account. Your worth is not based on how many ladies you can sleep with. How many ladies you can, whatever it is. That's not your worth. That's nonsense. Your worth is not even based on your work.

Speaker 1:

Your worth according to genesis, chapter 1, verse 26 to 28. Look what it says. Then god said let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So god created man in his own image oh my god, in his own. Not in the image of your father, not in the image of society, not in the image of anybody else, not in the image of your friend. Not in the image of your friend, not in the image of somebody sitting next to you. No, in its own image this is very key In its own image, child of God. We are here because we want to learn, receive this revelation. And God blessed them. And God said be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

Speaker 1:

There are two things that we can take away from this passage of scripture. We have read Our origin we are created and the blessings of God. You as a man, you are created by God. You are created by somebody. God owns you. That is why you are created by somebody you. You. God owns you. That is why you cannot live your life anyhow. If you're a kingdom man of valor, you cannot live your life. I'm telling you, god will not allow you to live your life anyhow, because god owns you, because god has expectations for you. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Your worth is what you are in the image and likeness of God. This should radicalize your mindset about yourself. That when I see Brahim, when I see Sibos all of my Sibos, you know what I see. I see the image and likeness of God. When your wife, your mother, when they see you, they should see the image and likeness of God. They should not see you as a drunkard, they should not see you as a womanizer. They should see you as the image and likeness of God. That is your worth, that is your essence, that is your beauty, that is your identity, that is your origin, that is your essence, that is your beauty, that is your identity, that is your origin.

Speaker 1:

While we're doing this study, we're going to examine Adam, which is the first man, and Jesus. Our goal is to be like Jesus, not like Adam. So we see that Adam, the first man was created in the image and likeness of God. But here we see that Jesus himself, who is the son of man, he is God himself. There's a divine aspect of you as a man. You're not ordinary, you're not just natural. You carry divinity inside of you.

Speaker 1:

So when you speak, things will happen. You see, you see, god gave, you see, look at this. God gave Adam the grace to name a woman and the wife. God was not the one that named the woman, god was not the one that named the wife, it was not God. Men, do you know your worth? It wasn't God that named the woman. It wasn't God that named the wife, it was Adam. It was Adam that named the female, image bearer of God as woman. And it was Adam that named his specific spouse, eve, the mother of all living. So adam did two things name him. Obviously he named the animals.

Speaker 1:

You see, man, we have the power of naming. We have the power of naming. When we are in a place, we can determine what that place is going to be like. We are prophets, because jesus is prophet, king and priest, child of god. Know who you are. Adam named the woman. Call him woman. And then adam named his wife, eve. It wasn God. So, in your relationship, whatever you name, that's what's going to happen as men in this church, whatever we name in this church, that's what's going to happen. If we want to see prayer, prayer will happen. If we want to see Bible study, bible study will happen. Weddings will happen, because the authority that you have in your word is unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

Now let's go to the second w work. So you see, god gave adam worth, because sometimes we try to find our worth in our work, it doesn't make any sense. Or when somebody asks you what do you do? Well, I'm a mechanic. Well, I'm a social worker. Well, that's what you do, that's your function, but that is not your worth. Oh, I am an LGBT. Oh, I am this. I don't care if you're LGBT. You understand, I don't care. I don't care when I ask you who you are. I am a child of the living God and be proud of it.

Speaker 1:

Man, come on, we're from Africa. You know, we Africans, we are very funny. When we come to Canada, we put God aside, amen. We put it as if we don't job for God. I'm telling you, white people, you know, when I first came to Canada I used to respect. But you know, back home you're like oh, white people are this? White people are like God. You have to treat them as if they are gods. Oh, my god, when I came here, man, they can do strange things in front of you. You call them god. Are you god? You're not god, you're just a human being. But because of the mentality back home, when you come over, see, oh, when you see a white person, just just be humble. No, they have. They have to learn from us because we have. You know what we have. We have God.

Speaker 1:

Hey, do you know why God is bringing our brothers from Africa in this country? Why it's not just for you to make money. I know some of you are here to make money. Yeah, we're all here to make money and go back, but we're here to witness Because our culture is still intact. There's mommy and daddy at home but not here. Hey, child of god, anyways, I rest my case, amen.

Speaker 1:

So another w is work, man, don't be lazy. Don't be lazy. Work is not a punishment. Work is not a punishment. Get a job for your own self-respect. I know some of you. You're educated back home, but when you come to Canada, if you have to start somewhere, start somewhere.

Speaker 1:

When I came here, I worked in the factory nice shift For the first time. The second time I didn't show up. I'm like God. This is not for me, but I had to do what I had to do. I had to survive Until God helped me to go back to school, to find my real purpose.

Speaker 1:

So work, because look what it says in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 28. Then God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea. You see, this blessing is not just for procreation, it's for productivity. This blessing pronouncement is not just for procreational thinking oh, god wants me to have many babies all over the world. No, god wants you to be productive and you have what it takes to be productive. Because the bible says god has blessed you to be fruitful. What that means is inside of you you have the capacity to produce, the ability to produce. If you can produce your own kind, you can also produce. And god said, after you have been fruitful, now I want you to multiply, I want you to increase.

Speaker 1:

So don't, don't, don't, don't sit down and fall a hand for small things. You're in canada, we're hustlers, we're here to make it. If well, I will put up. Let's, let's bless the man of god over there. He came here, he went back to school. That's what we call multiply. Don't settle for factory jobs, my brothers. Don't settle. If you're still young, go back to school, learn something.

Speaker 1:

Canada is a land of many opportunities. It's not like Africa, where our government don't even help, but the government helps. Don't just stay on welfare. Take that money, go back to school, use it very well, maximize yourself, be fruitful, amen. And then, after you have been fruitful, the bible says fill the earth, have investments in canada and uganda and kenya, wherever, amen. And then have dominion, rule over whatever responsibility that god has given you, amen.

Speaker 1:

Because of time, I'm going to go fast. The bible says in second thessalonians, chapter 3, verse 10 for even when we were with you, we commanded you this if anyone will not work, neither should he eat. So work is not a burden. Work is a blessing. You understand there are two types of work that we have to do in life. Number one our spiritual work. Our spiritual work is our service unto god. Sometimes we think, okay, work is just to make money. Yes, that's good. But let me give you one advice work for god, because when you go to heaven, god is not going to tell you oh, well done, prayer, well done. Bible scholar is going to say well done, my faithful servant. When we get to heaven, god is going to reward you and I.

Speaker 1:

Church work is not just for our mama. Church work is not just for the amazing worshipers. Church work is everybody's work and it's beyond the four walls of this church. So god wants you to work for him. When you're at work, share the faith with somebody else, amen. So that's the first work, your service to god, which is your spiritual work, and then your second work is your service to society.

Speaker 1:

The reason why us men we have to work is because we have to give back to society. Some of us we just want to take, take, take, take, take, me, me, me, me, me. No, it's not just about you anymore. What makes you a man? It's not about you. What makes you a man? Is you saying that God? I am humble enough, I want to be a servant. That's why Jesus is a man, because he was a servant. We want to call ourselves men, but we can't even serve. You don't deserve that title, lord, I'm telling you, you have to serve. Serve your home, serve your wife, serve your children, serve this church, serve your community, serve society. Amen.

Speaker 1:

If you look at Adam as an, as a case study, the Bible says in Genesis, chapter 2, verse 8, then the Lord had planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed. So what we see here is the placement of Adam. So you, as a child of God, you and I were in Canada for a reason. We're here is the placement of Adam. So you, as a child of God, you and I we're in Canada for a reason. We're here for a reason. This is our place for excellence, this is our place for maximization. Amen, because God placed Adam in the garden.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, when God has called you to become a doctor, please, I beg you, don't do something else. Stay in your place If you don't know your place, that God, here I am in Canada, in your place. If you don't know your place, god here I am in Canada. It's good to pursue money temporarily, but ask God, god, what have you called me to do in this life? What is my purpose in Canada? Why am I here, god? Look at your skill set, look at your potential, look at your abilities. Say God, this is what I study in Uganda, this is my passion. I want to help children. Follow your heart. Be in the right place, because when you are in the right place, you'll be with the right people that will help you. That's what we call destiny helpers. But when you're in the wrong place, you're with the wrong people. That will be detrimental to your life.

Speaker 1:

Look what it says in genesis, chapter 2, verse 16. And the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the, of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you should not eat. For the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die. That's what we call the provision of adam. God, provided, he said there's provision where you are.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we complain that god, okay, I want to start a business, but I don't have the capital, I don't have the human resources. It's a lie. You just have to know who. You just have to talk to god and god would direct you to the appropriate individuals that will help you. Amen, because god provides. You're here in canada. Please don't think that, okay, everything is everything is miserable. No, you're here for a reason and god will ensure that he will provide for you, because there are government systems in place that God has put in place to help us. So there's provision. If you want to go back to school, there's provision, and there's also provision that the enemy has there. If you want to mess up your life, welcome you. Mess it up, amen, but that will not be a portion in Jesus name.

Speaker 1:

Now look what it says in Genesis, chapter 2, verse 15. Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it. This is what we call the purpose of Adam. The purpose of Adam is to do what? To tend and to keep. To tend and to keep the word tend means to cultivate, meaning that to work, to keep is to supervise, to manage In life. As men, when we work, we also have to have the ability to sustain, to maintain. That's what we call wealth creation generational wealth creation. We, as Africans, we don't have that mindset. Set for generational wealth creation, we will work, we'll have all the money just for us. We don't think about our children at all. But if you see the jewish people, the indians, let's learn from the indians and the jewish people. They have something called family wealth creation. Create wealth for your children. Create wealth for your children. Create wealth for for the people in uganda. Create wealth for people in Kenya. Don't just live here and chill Thinking that, okay, yeah, I'm in Canada, everything is going to go well. Okay, why didn't God bring your brother or your sister? You are responsible to ensure that you take care of them back home. How many of you send money back home? How many of you Raise your hand if you send money back home? I used to rebel against that when my mother younger brother got sick. Because my mother younger brother is very close to me. He took care of me when I was young. God was convicting my dad take care of the children, brian, remember. I refused. God said remember, because I came from Sierra Leone. We had an 11-year civil war. Rebels wanted to kill us. It was my, my mother, younger brother, that helped me, that saved me. That's why my life, if god remember, go back, remember how this man saved your life. You would have been dead. So, repeat, back, take care of his daughter and son. I'm telling you. So look, look, let's continue. Genesis, chapter 2, verse 15. Then the lord god took the man and put him in the garden um, attend, um to tend and keep it. So what we see here? We see the, the potential and the power of adam in the plant domain. You have to know where you can rule. You have to know your territory. We're just using adam as an example, but we can apply this in our contemporary time. And we also see adam exercising domain in the animal kingdom. The bible says out of the ground, the lord got from every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to adam to see what he will call them and whoever adam called each living thing, that it was its name. So, child of god, god wants you to maximize your influence.

Speaker 1:

You're not just in Canada just to come to church yes, which is good or just to go to work. No, you're here to influence policies. Get into leadership, talk about Jesus. The reason why we see all these LGBT agenda is because these people go into into government and the change of education system. They change the structure of society. Now our children can be in classroom and you have a man pretending to be a woman dancing in front of our children. We don't do nothing about it. Whatever happens in the world affects the church, but god is raising up kingdom men of valor for us to go out and influence those high places. Don't just settle just to be in Canada. God brought you here for a reason. Make yourself useful. It's good to work. It's good to come to church. Get yourself involved. If you have leadership capacity, use that For the sake of your children, for the sake of our women. Let's protect them. Let's protect our women. Let's protect our children. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Now let's look at the purpose of Jesus as a perfect example. The Bible says that Jesus was the prophet, priest and physician and rabbi, and I have a list of all the things that Jesus came to do. Number one he came to save the world. That is his purpose. Kingdom. Men of valor are men of purpose. God is a God of purpose. You're not just here just to occupy space, time and matter. You're here to do what? To give back, to contribute?

Speaker 1:

Jesus, a perfect example. The Bible says he came to do what? To save the world. He came to fulfill that function save you and I, sinners. The bible says he came as a light to the world. We are blind. The bible says he came to declare god. The bible said he came to give life, and life in abundance. The bible said he came to destroy the works of the devil. The bible says he came to cause sinners to repentance. The bible says he came to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. These are all functions of Jesus Christ. He's a man and that's who I would like you and I to emulate To save the world, to be a light in darkness, to proclaim the good news, to cause sinners to repentance and to destroy the works of the devil. If Jesus can do it, we can do it Because the Bible says greater is he. That is in us. The Bible says he has given us power and authority. So you might say I'm not Jesus, he is Jesus. No, but you are a son of God. You have what it takes to do it and God wants you to do it. Amen, we're. You have what it takes to do it and God wants you to do it. Amen.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna look at the third W, which is word. Word we see worth work, not the word. The Bible says in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verse 16 to 17 all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of god may be. Oh my god, that the man of god may be complete, truly equipped for every good work. I'm a bible nerd. I love the bible. I'm telling you, as kingdom men, love the bible, love the bible. You have to be the man of the word, because you cannot teach your home what you don't know. The responsibility of building the spiritual home, it lies upon you as the man. You are the spiritual head of your family. That is the fact. You are the spiritual head of your family. Men know the word of god. It's good to know about real madrid and barcelona. It's good to know about the european that is going on right now. You cook america, soccer, all the musicians. But do you know men in the bible that you can emulate? Know the word of god.

Speaker 1:

The bible is not a boring book. The bible is life given. The bible says that all scripture is given by god. It is god's breath. It is good for you, it is profitable, it is beneficial. That motivated me to read the Bible daily. I'm like, wow, I'm not just reading letters, I'm actually reading life. And the Bible has been so fruitful in my life. It can help you, it can correct you, and you can use this same Bible to correct your children. You can use this same Bible to reprove, you can use this same Bible to instruct your home in righteousness, your own life. And the bible says that the man of god may be what fully equipped. So if you want to be equipped morally and mentally, be a student of the word. Oh god, am I speaking to somebody? If you want to be morally and mentally equipped in life, which makes you a man, you have to embrace the word of god. You have to embrace the word of god.

Speaker 1:

And look at adam. We're using adam as a first example. The bible says in genesis, chapter 2, verse 16 of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you should not eat of it, for the day you eat of it, you shall surely die. The word was. God was given to adam the first commandment. God spoke the word. God gave adam worth number one. God give adam work. And now god has given adam the word. Some of us we know about worth. We have work. We work full-time job two times. I don't know how many jobs you guys have, but god wants you to have what His word it's like, the full package. All the thing that God has is for your own good. He wants you to include his word. And look at Jesus as our example.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says that Jesus, even Jesus himself, even though Jesus was God, jesus had to learn. The Bible says in Luke, chapter 2, verse 52, and Jesus increased in wisdom and inature and in favor with God and man. Even Jesus, who is the word of God, the Bible said he learned the word of God. He increased in wisdom. Knowledge is different from wisdom. The Bible said in all you are getting get wisdom, men, kingdom men, we need wisdom, men. We need wisdom Because the world is complex. You think you can handle a woman. Say Laoh, I tried that. You cannot handle a woman on your own. You need the wisdom of god to handle a woman. You cannot handle a child on your own. You need the wisdom of god. You need the wisdom of god, and all you're getting? Get wisdom is the principal thing. Get it, and jesus himself, acquire wisdom, because the bible said increase in wisdom and in favor and stature with man, amen. So we need the word of God.

Speaker 1:

So now let's go to the last, yeah, the fourth W wife. I know, yes, we want to get married, but, oh boy, it's a lot of work, a lot of responsibility. It's not a child's joke. You think it's just to get in, have sex and then that's it have babies. Oh boy, it's a lot of work, a lot of responsibility. It's not a child's joke. You think it's just to get in, have sex and then that's it have babies. It's a lie. It's a lie. Don't let the enemy deceive you. It's a responsibility, amen.

Speaker 1:

But you are not the one that actually, oh God, determined that you need a wife. It wasn't Adam that determined that he needed a wife, it wasn't. You see the role of a woman in your life. If you have a good woman, you are a blessed man. Allah, mashallah. If you want to die young, have the wrong woman. If you want to have an attack, have the wrong woman. If you want to have an attack, have the wrong woman. Okay, let me keep my mouth shut.

Speaker 1:

Genesis, chapter 2, verse 8. And the Lord said it is no good that man should be alone. This wasn't Adam. Women, look at me, all Adamo woman. Look at me, all the women, look at me. Raise up your hand. All the women, all the beautiful ladies. Kingdom, men of virtue. Ah, proverbs, chapter 31 woman, do you guys know your worth? Hey, even God was saying that it is no good for us men to be alone. And you see, man, you guys were not responding while I was preaching. Now the ladies are responding. You see, but but look though. God identified the problem of a man. Listen to this. God identified the problem of a man. Life is full of problems, but God gave the solution. Your wife should be a solution to you. Alaba shara, look at this, look at this God. When God created Adam, the only limitation was Adam could not do by himself upper room ministry. Need the men? That is the fact, because we cannot do upper room ministry by ourselves.

Speaker 1:

There's a place for a woman in your heart and the reason why people don't value one? Because they don't know their worth. But I'm here to tell you that when you see a woman, you see an image and likeness of God, both men and women. They share the same divine essence. The only difference is their physical structure and their responsibilities in life, but we carry the same divine essence and identity. If you know the worth of the opposite sex, your life will become sweet. If you know the worth of your mother, your sister, your wife, your female pastor, your life will become sweet. If you know the worth of your mother, your sister, your wife, your female pastor, your life will become sweet.

Speaker 1:

Now, god said it first, not Adam. God knows the worth of a woman, because that is why God said it's not good for a man to be alone. Woman, god knows your worth and we men, we need to know your worth. You are valuable. I want all the men to say to the woman you are valuable, you are essential in my life, yes, and I want the woman to turn around and say you are essential in my life, you are valuable. I want the woman to tell around and say you are essential in my life, you are valuable. I want the woman to tell him that I know your worth. Please go and work. Okay, okay, okay, okay, tell him this, tell him this. Tell him this Please go and work, no, no, because it's good to know your worth. And then you're a lazy man. It's a lie, unacceptable. If you're gonna get, find a wife, don't be lazy. Please don't even dare to be lazy.

Speaker 1:

I know you say women like money. No, god made them to like money. That's the hard truth. Now I'm not saying I should be materialistic, no, just walk with the man. I know we live in a society where, no, I will not so far with you, I will not die with you. You must be rich before I marry you.

Speaker 1:

That's a deception too. It's a deception and the reason why it's a deception. You miss out on that man, especially if you know that man is a man of God and he's walking with God. Just because things are not working for them temporarily, it doesn't mean that they are nobody or they are not going anywhere. Sometimes you don't know what you have once you lose what you have. It's good when this church becomes big, big we all want to associate.

Speaker 1:

I know women can easily come to a man that has it all money, the cars, everything. But can you build a man that might not have the material things but it has something that peter said money I did not have, but jesus I have. Kingdom man. Don't, ever, ever, ever. This is one thing I've learned. Don't ever present yourself to a woman based on your money. Give them Jesus. Give your wife Jesus. Give your children Jesus. The money will come later. Ah, marabu sharaba. The reason I'm saying give them Jesus, give your children Jesus, the money will come later. The reason I'm saying give them Jesus because when life becomes hard, they say let's go on our knees and talk to God. Give them Jesus, money will come later. Word for the wise Give them Jesus, give them Jesus. Tell them thatesus loves them more than you, because they will not die because you, because you did something wrong, oh god, because they know that I am loved by jesus. Don't bring your woman onto yourself. Present her to jesus first.

Speaker 1:

You are a steward. You are a steward in relationship. Men, oh god, we don't own the woman, we are stewards of her. We don't own them, don't try to control them. You are a steward meant to serve your wife temporarily, because in heaven there is no marriage, is no marriage. We are all equal. But while you're here, see it as a great obligation, responsibility, amen. We almost.

Speaker 1:

This is a side note. I'm going to read from my notes here a wife. I want all the women to listen to this. This is very important.

Speaker 1:

A wife or a woman should listen to her husband, especially again, especially when he is speaking about the word of God. He's in the will of God, he walks in the ways of God, he has the wisdom of God. Do not there be like Eve, who ignored not only the word of her husband but also the word of God, and instead Listen to the word of the devil. She then brought the same lie to her husband. Woman, be very careful Whom you listen to Outside of your marriage and outside the will of God. Otherwise you may start listening to other voices that can potentially ruin your marriage and your relationship with God their destiny.

Speaker 1:

You see why women are very important, because a woman can be a burden to you or she can be a blessing to you, especially if you're a great man. Be careful who you marry. Don't just marry any woman, because that woman has to come into your life to help you get closer to God. Remember when Job had it all. Just because God tested him, his wife said curse God and die. Some of you men will do it, because that woman is everything that you have. It's a lie. I won't do it, I will not try it, you understand. And then, if you look at Abraham too, the reason why we have the war in Israel and Palestine With all respect to all the women, it was because of a woman. Yes, it was because of a woman, sarah, because she could not believe the word of God to Abraham. She wanted to fast track Having a child Abraham Stupid as well. Track having a child Abraham stupid as well.

Speaker 1:

Men, like I said, do not listen to your wife, especially when God has given you a word. You and God have the final say, not your wife. I'm speaking with authority, because you have that authority. You have that authority, you understand, because Abraham went into agar and then the woman became jealous. This is what confuses me. You're the one that wants this man to go after a young woman, and he has done it, and then you're saying that the woman kicked the woman out. That's not fear. I'm like god. That's not fear. Man, that's not fear. Why? Why?

Speaker 1:

Another account Joseph and Mary. When Mary had the prophecy of our Savior, joseph was a righteous man. He said I am secretly going to put this woman away. Joseph in the life of mary and jesus. He appeared in a dream and said joseph, do not be afraid to take this woman as your wife before you get married, pray to god. God, should I be afraid to take this woman as my wife? Hey, I'm telling you, question yourself, huh, if you're gonna get married, question yourself. So, god, should I be afraid or should I pursue? Would I die young? Would I survive? If god knows you're gonna die young, god will stop it. Pray this type of prayer to save your headache. And wala, I'm telling you amen. So you see what. You see the role of joseph. Before he passed away, he protected jesus. The reason why jesus is alive is because of a man. God did not command mary, mary, take this woman to egypt. No, he said joseph, wake up, take your wife and the child to egypt. We are called to protect our wives and children. Ah, kingdom, men of valor, wives and children. Kingdom, men of valor. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Husband, love your wife by protecting her, providing for her and proclaiming the truth to her. I know women they like the truth, but sometimes they don't want to hear the truth. You understand when you speak the truth. It's also heart of love. Love is not just www. Sweetie, sweetie dinner date. No, it goes beyond that. Money will expire when life knocks you down. The real deal, you understand. You love your wife. By protecting her, you provide for her. Work is essential Before you want to get a woman, get a job. Go to work, please. I am begging you walk. And therefore, for the wives, I like that, my brother. For the wives.

Speaker 1:

I know you guys don't want to hear this word submission. I know you guys don't want to hear this word respect, because we live in a familiarized world. We're okay. I'm equal to a man. I can do whatever men can do. It's a lie. Go to work, build the cranes. No, it's a lie. We are equal in divine essence. We were distinct in our physical composition and also our social responsibilities, women, the reason why god said we should, you guys should, respect us as men is because why our love language is respect.

Speaker 1:

If you want your husband to go crazy for you, respect him. Don't respect him when he has money sometimes, respect him when he brings baby. I have this vision. I will take you to canada. Ah, you're in a village in Uganda, you're in a village in Africa, and then you bring this idea Baby, I see myself going to Canada. Baby, you must come. And then you know what you do you undermine him. Look at you. You're a dreamer, you are sleeping, fly from this village to another village.

Speaker 1:

He disrespected the man. You kill his ideas, ideas, woman, listen to this. Support your husband. So, men, women support men. If a man has an idea in this church, don't kill his dream. If a man doesn't know how to sing, but they have that passion to join the choir, help them. Help them, I'm telling you, give them that respect. And how do you respect men? You receive them, not reject them. You receive them when they are weak.

Speaker 1:

Men are crying babies. Sometimes we cry, sometimes after work, we just want to come home and just lie down and just relax. We need our mothers, you know, play that role a bit so that we can just have that comfort, because after we have walked in the world, we are physically tired. We want to come home. There's two places that I've asked God and I believe all men. You should ask these two places Whenever you're praying to God. God, give me peace in church, give me peace at home. Men will go to a strip club on Fridays. My co-worker on Friday. That's the day he has peace. I'm like bro on Friday may. I have peace on Wednesdays because I come for Bible study. I have peace on Sundays because I come for Bible study. When I go home, I have peace. He has peace on Fridays because he goes to club. He cannot go home.

Speaker 1:

Peace is essential for your peace of mind, so that you can think. Solomon, being with so many women, said that if you have a nagging woman, jump off the fence, go on the roof. You need peace. That is why, the reason why God is able to relate with us. He came to give us reconciliation. He's a god of peace.

Speaker 1:

Woman, be a peacemaker. Your mouth can get you in trouble. Be a peacemaker if that, if her, read the body language of your husband. If he's tired, allow him to rest, because, because, before you bring all this, oh, baby, we have to pay bills Let him rest first. Let him rest, let him sleep, let him sleep, and then, baby, can we discuss. Whenever a woman says let's talk I used to be afraid of that word let's talk. Ah, I forgot. Talk about what? Let's talk? Talk about what? Again, amen, we're almost done. Thank you so much for your patience.

Speaker 1:

Now the last W is worship. We talked about worth. We talked about work, we talked about wife and work, and then worship. Amen. You see, worship is not just for females. That's one thing that God rebuked me.

Speaker 1:

When you come to church, you see the Nigerians, because most of my friends are Nigerians the men. The reason why they are rich is because they are very expressive when it comes to dance. They will dance. I know Ugandans can dance. Men would dance, they wouldandans can dance, but when men would dance, they would even dance more than women. David was a dancer.

Speaker 1:

Men, learn to be expressive in your worship. Care less who's not dancing. I don't care. If you're a man, you come here trying to bluff, I don't care. You're here to worship God, you're here to dance. If the woman of God is singing hallelujah, raise up your hand, because when you honor God, when you honor god, god will make sure that you're honor. There is why sometimes we're not honored, because when we come to god we want to do shakara, I'm a big man. Ah, oh god. Oh, god's come. He has come. No, but when you are in the presence of god, be humble and then it will lift you up. When you are at work, there will be glory upon your life. There will be honor upon your life Because why you have surrendered to your maker.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says in Exodus, chapter 34, verse 23 to 24,. It says three times in a year shall all the males appear before the Lord, god, the God of Israel, for I will cast out nations before you and enlarge your borders. No one shall covet your land when you go to appear before the Lord, your God, three times in a year. In the Jewish culture, god commanded all the men, not women, all the men to appear before God three times a year men's retreat. That's how the idea of Kingdom, men of Valor in Upper Roman Ministry, the men's ministry, came about. Because God wants all the men to appear before him. And the reason why we have to appear before god is for god to talk to us, for god to commune with us, for god to say oh, my son, what's going on? Oh, how is life, how's your family going on? I can help you. God wants to talk to you. God wants to talk to you. God wants to talk to you.

Speaker 1:

Worship is not prayer and worship is not just for the woman, it's for us too. Pray, be a man of prayer, be a man of worship, have communion with God. Look what it says in Genesis with the first man. The Bible says in Genesis, chapter 3, verse 8,. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden in Eden before the fall. God's presence was always felt. Men, do you feel the presence of God in your life, just like our brother just testified how God has seen him through? That's a real man to say to God. It wasn't me that did this, it was you. Real men, give God the glory. Real men, give God the glory. Say God I'm able to buy this car for my home because you provided God. I'm able to buy a house for my family because you provided. Real men, give glory to God, amen.

Speaker 1:

Adam was able to hear God. He was able to connect and communicate with God. Men, are you guys able to hear God? Are you guys able to communicate with God? And finally, before we pray, we're going to look at Adam and Christ.

Speaker 1:

The Bible said Adam is the first sinner and Christ is the last savior. Adam is the fallen man. Christ is the faithful man. Adam is the fallen man. Christ is the faithful man. God is not saying that you have to be a perfect man, but God is saying I want you to be a faithful man, I want you to be faithful to your wife, faithful to your church, faithful to your community, faithful to your country. Christ has the ultimate authority and it's permanent and it's internal, internal in both the heavens and the earth. You and I, our authority is temporary. We have been assigned. That is why we are stewards. You don't own your wife, you don't own your children. Don't try to boss them around, don't try to control them. They are just with you, temporarily, amen.

Speaker 1:

And then, finally, adam's manhood is characterized. I'm going to just read my note from here. Adam's manhood is characterized by being highly skilled and capable of work in production, spiritually alive to connect and communicate with God, mature enough to have a wife and, in his dominion, managing God's creation. His only limitation is the need of a suitable partner who is comparable. Woman, who is comparable, competent, woman of the same composition, woman, connection and complementary. God did not give Adam just any woman. If you're going to pray for wives, god, give me a wife that is comparable, that is competent, same composition, connection, complementary, child of God.

Speaker 1:

I close with this you are a son of God, you are a son of god, you are a servant of god, and the difference is you will never be a man in front of god. You are not a man in front of god, you are a son. You're a man on this earth, but in heaven you're not a man, you're a son. See difference. The reason why you're a man is because of responsibility. The reason why you're a son is because of relationship. When it comes to God, you are not an elder, you are his son. Even Jesus is the son of who? Of God. You and I. We are sons of God. So don't go to God trying to big him up. Go to God and humble him. Papa, father me so I can father my children.

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