Wisdom Grace

Knowing God Through Love

Brahim M.Kallon

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Knowing God Through Love

Join us as we explore 1 John 4:7-11, uncovering the profound message of God's love for humanity. Learn how this divine love, demonstrated through the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, calls us to love one another.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. Today I want to share with you guys, briefly, knowing God through love, and we're going to look at 1 John, chapter 4, from verses 7 to 11. When you look at the Bible, in John 3.16, the Bible says For God so loved the world, for God so loved humanity, male and female, young and old, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him, jesus Christ, will not perish but have everlasting life. The Bible is a love story, from Genesis all the way down to Revelation. You and I, we are redeemed as a result of God's love for us.

Speaker 1:

One thing that I've learned about love is that love gives, love gives, and God expresses love by giving His Son, jesus Christ, to sacrifice his life for us. So love gives and love is sacrificial. We're going to read verse 7. It says Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love and this love of God was manifested toward us that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him. And this love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the reputation for our sins Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. God expressed his love for us as human beings, fallen sinners, by giving his only begotten son, jesus Christ, to sacrifice His life for our sins. The way we can prove that we know God is through love. Number one loving God first with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, and loving one another. So if you claim to know God and you don't have love, you don't know God at all, because God is love One of the powerful attributes of God. That's who God is. God is love, and we see the love of God manifested toward us by giving his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins. That is the greatest expression of love and God expressed, manifested that love by giving his son, jesus Christ. Like I said, love is given, love is sacrificial, and God gave Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for you and I. So if you and I, we claim to know God, we have to love one another, because that is who God is. We have to reflect the loving nature of God towards one another, because what God is, god expects you and I to be like him, and the goal for us as Christians is to emulate, to walk, to live a life that reflects the characteristics, the nature, the mindset, the ways of God In this love.

Speaker 1:

Not that we love God, the Bible said, while we are yet sinners, christ died for us. So God loved us even before we gave our life to Jesus Christ, all because of God's love. It's unconditional love, it's agape love, and the apostle here, john, is encouraging you and I, calling us the beloved, that if God so loved us, we also should return that love for one another. There's no hate in Christianity, there's love for one another.

Speaker 1:

When you love somebody, you will not take advantage of them. You will give, you will sacrifice, you will serve them. And because that's who God is, he expects us to walk in that nature, to walk in that characteristic, to walk in that attribute of him, because God desires you and I to reflect him, to represent him in the world. And God wants you and I to go about it number one by loving him first with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our body, soul and strength, and to love one another. This is how you and I will know that we truly know God by loving one another.

Speaker 1:

Because it's easier to say I know God, but you don't love that person next to you, you don't love a sister or brother in Christ, then how can you claim to know God when you have not seen God? But you have seen your brothers in Christ, you have seen your sisters in Christ, have seen your sisters in Christ. You despise them, you reject them. This is where I want to stop and I pray that you will. You will know God by knowing the love of God that he has for you. You will also know God by loving others. This is what the two commandments Jesus, jesus Christ sums it up. It's all the commandments. If you are able to love God first and then love one another, believe me, you will not kill, you will not go after the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. You fulfill all the other commandments because love is your motivating factor to do what is right, to try to live your life to please God and to do what is right to that next person.

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