Wisdom Grace
My mission is to help people develop a relationship with Jesus, leading to a transformed life.
Wisdom Grace
Basic Bible Study - 1 Peter 1: 20-21 - God's Plan for Jesus
Basic Bible Study - 1 Peter 1: 20-21 - God's Plan for Jesus
This basic bible study highlights the pre-existence of Jesus, His humanity, and His divine relationship with God the Father. It covers the significance of Jesus’ foreordination, manifestation, resurrection, and the glory bestowed upon Him.
- Understanding Jesus' pre-existence before creation
- The manifestation of Jesus in His humanity
- God the Father’s role in the resurrection of Jesus
- The meaning of the glory given to Jesus for believers
- An encouragement to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus
Hello everyone, welcome to Wisdom Grace. Today I want to share a basic Bible study coming from the epistle of 1 Peter 1, verses 20-21. Now let's dig in and read 1 Peter 1, verses 20-21. Beautiful, I have my Bible here opened. It says Wow For you who, through him, believe in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. Beautiful, beautiful Bible verses.
Speaker 1:Now let's break these verses down. First of all, I want you guys to realize that these two verses, we are reading it from the context of looking at Jesus and God, their relationship. The first point that I want to mention is Jesus was foreordained. The word foreordained, it means chosen beforehand, selected in advance. So Jesus was foreordained before the foundation of the world. Wow, so God had a plan even before the creation of the world. Wow, so God had a plan even before the creation of the world and Jesus was already chosen beforehand. He was already selected in advance, before the foundation of the world, before the creation of our universe. The insights we can obtain from this is Jesus pre-existed before creation. Wow, I know we are celebrating Christmas, but we don't know exactly when Jesus was born and there's no scripture or reference to tell us when Jesus was born. So again, I can go along with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, just like we celebrate people's birthday, right. But what I'm trying to say is that Jesus pre-existed before December 25th and Jesus pre-existed before creation. Bible says that Jesus was foreordained, meaning that he was selected in advance. He was chosen beforehand, before the foundation of the world, before god spoke into existence the universe, the earth and the heavens. Jesus was chosen before end.
Speaker 1:I want to highlight two powerful, profound truths about the pre-existence of Jesus Christ. Jesus pre-existed before creation. Jesus pre-existed before his human conception Wow, before God created the heavens and the earth. Jesus pre-existed Before Jesus was humanly conceived. Jesus pre-existed. This clearly shows that Jesus is eternal. Jesus is God. Jesus is divine. Jesus has no beginning. Jesus has no ending. The human Jesus had no beginning. Jesus has no ending. The human Jesus had a beginning, but the divine Jesus has no beginning. The humanity of Jesus started and dwelt among us, but the divine Jesus has no beginning, has no ending. Jesus is eternal. He is the eternal God.
Speaker 1:Look what it says in John, chapter 1, verses 1 to 3. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God and all things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made. This clearly shows that Jesus pre-existed before creation, because Jesus is the agent of creation, he is a spoken word, that God manifested creation into existence. Because the Bible says he was in the beginning with God and all things were made through him. He was the channel of creation, he was the agent of creation, he was a spoken word of creation and without him nothing was made that was made. What I'm trying to say is that Jesus was indeed before the creation of the heavens and the earth, according to what we have read in John, chapter 1, verses 1 through 3. And Jesus is indeed God.
Speaker 1:Now let's go to our second point, looking at 1 Peter, chapter 1, verses 20 to 21. The second point Jesus was manifest. The word manifest means caused, to be seen, make, knowing, revealed. Wow. So Jesus was manifest in these last times for our sake. So Jesus has been revealed already and Jesus is being revealed in these last times for our sake. Jesus is manifest, jesus is being seen, jesus is being known, jesus is being revealed, jesus is being taught about, jesus is being proclaimed, preached about. Jesus is being revealed by the Holy Spirit to you and I in these last times, for our own sake, so that we'll get to know who Jesus is. Just like Paul said that I may know him. Child of God, jesus wants to reveal himself to you. Jesus wants to make himself known to you. And what is eternal life? Internal life is knowing God. Internal life is knowing the Son of God. If we look at it from from a human point of view, jesus was a human being. He actually existed. He walked on this earth. People saw him, for example Peter, the Apostle Peter. He saw Jesus, he spoke with Jesus. So we can see the human manifestation of Jesus.
Speaker 1:This point speaks about the humanity of Jesus Christ. He physically existed. He walked on this earth in Judea. Look what it says in Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4, just to confirm this point. Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4, just to confirm this point. But when the fullness of the time had come, god sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under the law. The time when Jesus arrived on this earth, he arrived under the dispensation of the law, under the old covenant, under the old covenant, and he was sent forth to bring a new covenant, a covenant of global salvation, a covenant of grace, a covenant of reconciliation between God and man for all nations. He was born under the whole dispensation and he was born of a woman, which shows that Jesus had a supernatural spiritual birth. He was born of a woman, a virgin woman, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 1:The first point and the second point is all about the Son, jesus. The first point talks about the divinity of Jesus. He pre-existed before creation, he pre-existed before his human conception, and the second point focuses on the humanity of Jesus. So both the first point and the second point is all about Jesus. Now the third point and the last point is about God the Father, what he has done for Jesus. Look what it says. The third point God raised him, that's Jesus from the dead. That is Jesus' resurrection.
Speaker 1:Who made it possible for Jesus to be alive humanly speaking? Who made it possible for Jesus to be alive humanly speaking? Who made it possible for Jesus to come back to life after his death on the cross? God the Father. The Bible says God the Father raised Jesus, his son, from the dead. Look what it says in Acts, chapter 2, verse 24.
Speaker 1:Whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that it should be held by it. Oh my God, it is not possible for death to hold Jesus Christ. It is not possible for death to hold the bread of life. It is not possible for death to hold the fountain of life. It is not possible for death to hold the life giver. It is not possible. Death cannot hold life because life is more powerful than death. So when Jesus died on the cross, god the Father raised up his son from the dead, and Acts 2, chapter 24, just confirmed such revelation of God the Father getting involved in the resurrection of Jesus Christ At the pains of death. That death could not hold Jesus, that the pains of death, that death could not hold Jesus. That is why, because you and I will believe in Jesus Christ, death does not have the final say on us. Death has no final say on those who believe in Jesus and death cannot hold you down.
Speaker 1:Paul says that to die is gain, to live is gain. When you are alive, it's gain because you are alive in Jesus. When you die, it is also gain. So when you leave, when you die, it's gain. It's a win-win situation for you, because when you live, you live for Jesus Christ. When you die, you're going to be with Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1:And our last point, to close up God gave him, that is his son, jesus, glory. Wow, wow, wow, wow. We see the involvement of God, the Father, in the life of his son, jesus Christ. We see that God raised him up from the dead. And now we see that God bestowed glory upon Jesus, glory upon Jesus, glory upon his son. Look what it says in Acts, chapter 2, verse 33, just to confirm. Therefore, being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he poured out this, which you now see and hear oh my God. Therefore, being exalted to the right end of god, and having received from the father the promise of the holy spirit, we see that god gave jesus christ glory. God bestowed upon jesus majesty, a glory and honor and power and wisdom and splendor.
Speaker 1:To summarize our basic Bible study from the letter of 1 Peter 1, verses 20 to 21, we see that Jesus was ordained before the foundation of the world, meaning that Jesus Christ preexisted before creation, before his human conception. The second point we see that Jesus Christ pre-existed before creation, before his human conception. The second point we see that Jesus was manifest speaks about the humanity of Jesus. And finally, the last two points speak about God's relationship with Jesus, what God the Father did or accomplished for Jesus. Father did or accomplished for Jesus. Number one, he raised Jesus from the dead. And number two, god gave Jesus glory.
Speaker 1:Child of God. I just pray right now, what you have heard from me today, that God will give you more deeper insight, inspiration, instruction based on what you have heard, and that you will go out. You will leave this word, you will believe the truth about who Jesus is, that Jesus is divine, jesus is also human, that Jesus is full of glory, that Jesus is alive and death cannot hold you as a child of God, and I pray that you will receive this revelation, you will believe this revelation, you will share this revelation. God bless you.