Wisdom Grace
My mission is to help people develop a relationship with Jesus, leading to a transformed life.
Wisdom Grace
This sermoncast looks at Mark 4:35-41, where Jesus calms the storm, showcasing His divine authority and encouraging faith over fear. Key points include:
- Examination of Mark 4:35-41
- Contrast between Jesus’ calm presence and the disciples’ fear
- Recognizing Jesus’ divinity
- Jesus’ authority over nature
- Insights on faith versus fear
- The disciples’ understanding of Jesus
- Practical tips for inviting Jesus into turbulent situations.
Chapter Markers
0:00 - Jesus' Authority Over Nature
19:44 - Disciples' Overreaction and Jesus's Authority
39:03 - Jesus' Rebuke and Disciples' Revelation
46:37 - Trusting Jesus in Life's Storms
Hello, welcome everyone to Wisdom Grace. The Lord says that man does not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of our Father, the Word of God, is life, the Word of God is active, the Word of God is living. And the Word of God has what it takes to transform your life. And I'm here to sow that seed in your spirit, in your mind, in your heart, for that seed to germinate, for that seed to grow, so, you and I, we can become fruitful for the Lord. We are going to pray before we dig into the word. I can't wait to hear what the Lord has to say to all of us, and I know the Holy Spirit is going to be the one to teach you and I, I am just a mere vessel. All the glory to our Lord and Savior, jesus Christ. Father, we thank you for this precious time to dive into your word. Lord, we are here to receive not just milk. We're here to receive the meat of your word, the substance of your word. Your word is so deep in revelation, your word is full of mysteries. O, god, we are here to obtain knowledge. We're here to obtain understanding, we're here to obtain wisdom and, most importantly, oh God. We're here, oh God, for your Holy Spirit, to enable us to apply your word. We don't want to just be hearers of your word, we want to be doers of your word. Oh God, and help us, oh God, as we hear your word, receive your word. As we apply your word, help us to also share your word with people that will come across. I pray lord. Right now you prepare the hearts of your people to be receptive, to receive your word. Oh god, you prepare the minds of your people to be attentive, to take heed to your word. In jesus precious powerful name, we pray amen. Bible study is coming from the gospel of mark, chapter 4, from verses 35 to 41 jesus commanding authority over windstorm and wave storm. We're going to start reading from Mark, chapter 4, verse 35 till 41. So excited, I can't wait. Look what it says. On the same day, when evening had come, he said to them let us cross over to the other side. Now, when they had left the multitude, they took him along in the boat, as he was, and other little boats were also with him, and a great windstorm arose and the waves beat into the boat boat so that it was already filling, but he was in the stern, asleep on a pillow, and they awoke him and said to him teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? Wow, then he arose and rebuked the wind. Wow, jesus arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea Peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Speaker 1:Powerful when Jesus steps into any situation. I don't know your storm in life, I don't want to preach today, but this is just mind blowing. When Jesus steps in any situation, any given situation, it doesn't matter if it's a natural situation, if it's a spiritual situation. If you cry to Jesus when he steps into any situation, child of God, the same Jesus in the New Testament, the same Jesus that we are reading here, that same Jesus is alive and that same Jesus can arise and rebuke any situation that you are facing and speak to that situation to be still and restore peace in your life. I don't want to get ahead of myself. Let me continue to read. I think we are in verse 40,.
Speaker 1:But he said to them why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? Fearful, how is it that you have no faith? Oh my god, oh my god. Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? This is jesus speaking. Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?
Speaker 1:I am, am in the boat, I am God, I am here with you. You have my physical presence, even though I am asleep. But God in me, my divinity. I never sleep or slumber. Just keep an eye on who I am divinely. Focus on my divine nature. I'm able to see what's going on Because I am the omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresence. I am everywhere. I am all-knowing. Yes, humanly speaking, I am sleeping, but keep an eye on who I am as the divine son of God.
Speaker 1:What I've learned in my walk with life and I always tell this to people that we tend to see Jesus in two ways. You can choose to see Jesus as a mere human, which is okay, or you can also choose to see Jesus as divine. Let me say that again. We can view Jesus as believers, even unbelievers. I have no problem with unbelievers believing Jesus as a human being. Even the Muslims see Jesus just as a human being, a prophet. But you, as a child of God, you call yourself a believer. I'm talking to you. You claim, you profess. Hopefully you practice what you profess.
Speaker 1:If you only see Jesus as a human being, you only focus on the humanity of Jesus and you don't see the divinity of Jesus. You are going to be fearful in life when situations come in your life, when situations are overwhelming you, if you see just the humanity of Jesus, child of God. I'm here to tell you you are going to be fearful. But when you see the divinity of Jesus, child of God, you are going to put your faith in him. Fear focuses on the humanity of Jesus. Faith focuses on the divinity of Jesus. It's up to you to choose. Are you going to be fearful or are, are you gonna be, a man or woman of faith?
Speaker 1:Verse 41 let me continue to read. It says and they feared exceedingly and said to one another who can this be? That even the wind and the sea obey him. This just confirms what I'm trying to tell you. A human being cannot command the sea or the wind. A human being has no power over nature to command nature from doing its work. That is what I said before. If you see Jesus just as a mere human or you focus on his humanity, you are going to be fearful, but if you see Jesus and focus on his divinity, you are going to have faith. Let me read that again. And they feared exceedingly and said to one another Now they were speaking to each other who can this be what? You have been with Jesus all along.
Speaker 1:These disciples sometimes they act very faithless. These disciples sometimes they act very faithless. They have been with Jesus all along. They have seen the miracles of Jesus. They have witnessed the signs and wonders that Jesus performed on a day-to-day basis when Jesus was with them. They have seen the divine aspect of Jesus. They have seen and witnessed his divinity in operation, with all the signs and wonders. But they are still speaking among themselves. Who can this be? Wow, speaking among themselves. Who can this be? Wow? Faithlessness is dangerous. When you don't have faith in God, you'll be fearful in life. So for you to overcome fear, the Bible says we, as the just, shall live by faith.
Speaker 1:We, as believers, are called and commanded, instructed, to live by faith. That even the wind and the sea obey him. Obviously, nature has to submit to God. Nature has to surrender to the Son of God. The wind and the sea have no choice. They have to obey their maker. Jesus made the sea and the wind, and they have to obey their creator. The creature submits to its creator. The creature has no power over its creator. Its creator has full control over its creature. I know I was preaching because I have to full control over its creature. I know I was preaching because I have to. I'm just flowing with the leading of the Holy Spirit. I don't want to put God in a box, I want to just allow God to flow.
Speaker 1:But now we're going to get to the teaching, because I love to teach. I love, when the Bible is so structured, read line by line, precept by precept. So that is why we are going to now examine these few verses that we have read Jesus commanding authority over the wind and the sea. We're going to do verse by verse, okay, okay, I like giving points, so today I'm gonna give you guys seven points so it's easier for you guys to follow along with this teaching. We're gonna start from verse 37. I'm gonna read and then break it down, verse 37.
Speaker 1:It says and a great windstorm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling. Let's stop there. So the first point is the wind and the wave roar like a lion. What we see here is nature is roaring. Nature is roaring. Bible says a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the sea. So this is a physical situation that Jesus himself Don't forget that.
Speaker 1:Jesus is also in this roaring of the wind and the wave because he is in the boat along with his disciples. It's not like Jesus is not in. It is actually literally in the boat. He is in this situation, oh my god, which shows that you and I, when we are in difficult situations in life, at times we think that God is absent. But I'm here to encourage you that, no matter the situation that you find yourself in, I want you to believe that Jesus is present with you. Jesus is with you in that situation and Jesus is behind you. Jesus is with you in that situation and Jesus is behind you. Jesus is beside you. Jesus is before you to help you go through your own situation.
Speaker 1:Just to give an example, jesus is literally, physically, in the same situation. The wind arose, the waves beat into the sea and look what the Bible says that it was already filling with water. Water was coming in the boat that could cause both Jesus and his disciples to drown Because the water was already filling in the boat. My God, this was a serious situation and Jesus was asleep. I'm pretty sure Jesus also is experiencing water Getting closer and closer and closer. But Jesus is also in the boat, sleeping, sleeping. The physical Jesus is also in the boat, sleeping. The physical Jesus is sleeping. But I know the divine Jesus is awake because he is God. He never sleeps, he never slumbers. The wind and the waves row. That is our first point. Now let's go to point b, jesus resting. Look what it says in mark, chapter 4, verse 38. But he was in the stern, that is, the far end. Jesus was on the rear end of the boat, fast asleep, heavily asleep, and the boat was being filled with water and the waves was beating the sea and the wind was blowing heavily and Jesus was asleep at the rear end of the boat when all of this was happening and Jesus was asleep, he was resting.
Speaker 1:I can imagine, because Jesus moved from village to village, town to town, city to city. He was all over the place, traveling to proclaim the gospel message, to save lost sinners. That was the purpose of Jesus. I can imagine how physically exhausted Jesus was. He had to sleep and it's understandable Because he had to be on his father's business. He had to do the will of the father that is, his food to finish it before he departs from the world. But the human side of Jesus he was fatigued, he was exhausted, he was tired, he was worried, he needed to rest. And that's what we see here. He was actually resting on a pillow. You have a pillow in a boat. I have never seen someone having a pillow in a boat. Wow, he was really resting. He wasn't having a nap, he was resting at the rear end of the boat on a pillow. On a pillow Something very soft, something very comfortable. Jesus resting maybe his head, it could be his entire body, we don't know what type of pillow it is, but he was fast asleep, resting comfortably, and he deserved it.
Speaker 1:Constantly working, constantly going about ministry At times, as ministers, my advice to you something that we can learn from Jesus, to bring this in a practical way we need to rest at times, but sometimes, when we are so busy, when we are in trouble, when we are facing challenges, we tend not to rest. Our mind is constantly running with anxiety and fear. But God is saying I want you to rest In the midst of that storm. I want you to be still and know that I am God. I don't sleep, I don't slumber. My eyes are watching, I am constantly awake, I am constantly alert, no matter the situation. Be still and know that. I just wish the disciple could remember this verse in the Old Testament Be still and know that I am God. They have to be still and know that they have God in their midst. But they are fearful Sometimes.
Speaker 1:The reason why we are anxious, we are fearful, is because we don't know that God is God. Even though we know that God is God, we don't allow God into that situation. We don't invite God into that situation. We don't give God the authorization to do whatever he wants to do. We want to invite God and do it our way. No, if you are going to invite God, invite God fully and give God the absolute authority and autonomy to do whatever he wants to do. Don't micromanage God. Allow him in that storm. All you have to do just be still and have faith.
Speaker 1:Let's go to point C, the disciples' reaction. We're going to still read Mark 38. Look what it says. And they awoke him and said to him Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? I can also understand, humanly speaking the overreacting. I do that a lot. Speaking the overreacting, I do that a lot. Yes, I overreact when I'm in a mess. I overreact when things are not going my way. I overreact when I'm in a situation. So I can relate with the disciples. We, as believers, we tend to overreact too much when it's unnecessary, especially if we claim to believe in God. When the Bible says greater is he that is in us than any situation, not just the devil. God is greater than nature. God is greater than the devil himself and demons, but is also greater than nature. God is greater than the devil himself and demons, but is also greater than nature. It's also greater than any human circumstances. The disciples reaction while response was resting, but in the midst of the wave storm and the wind storm, the response of the disciple is overreaction.
Speaker 1:Teacher, I can imagine teacher. They even call him by his title Teacher, rabbi. That word is very significant. Teacher, rabbi, master, you are in church over us. You are our leader, you are our teacher, we are your students. Are you going to sit and just relax and just rest? Can't you see what's happening to us? Can't you see the boat that you are in, that we are in is being filled with water. Can't you see the waves beat into the sea? Can't you see the great windstorm and you're sleeping? No, you canstorm and you're sleeping. No, you can't see because you're sleeping. You can't see because your eyes are closed. You are sleeping. Teacher, teacher, wake up, you are sleeping. They were just focusing on the humanity of Jesus. They were not focusing on the divinity of Jesus. If they can go back into the word where the Bible says be still and know that I am God. The disciples' reaction and they awoke him. They wake him up. Jesus didn't wake up by himself. They wake him up. Jesus didn't wake up by himself. They woke him up Because they were desperate, they were in trouble, and the Bible says in Psalm that God is a present help in time of trouble.
Speaker 1:Matter the trouble, it could be a physical windstorm or wave storm, whatever it is to make it practical for you. I don't know what your situation is presently, I don't know what you have been going through, but I want to remind you that Jesus is a present help in time of trouble. The Bible says they awoke him and they said to him Teacher, our leader, our master, our rabbi, we are your disciples, we are your students. We are your followers. We are your students, we are your followers. We are in trouble. We are in deep trouble, teacher. What are you going to do about it? Teacher, we need your wisdom to get us out of this windstorm, to get us out of this wave storm. What are you going to do, teacher? What strategies do you have? What wisdom are you going to apply? Teacher, teacher, you do not care that we are perishing.
Speaker 1:Their reaction is so typical I can completely relate to this reaction. We complain. You know, god, god, look what I'm going through. God, you don't care. You don't care about this. You don't care about my life. God, look at this mess. God, you don't even care about family. You don't even care about my children. You know, we start't even care about family. You don't even care about my children. We start crying, we start complaining. This is a typical reaction of everyone, humanly speaking I don't care how spiritual you are when you are in that type of situation where your boat is about to capsize. You are in that type of situation where you are in the sea and water is coming in your boat and your boat is about to be filled with water and you are in wave, storm and wind storm. You are in deep trouble. You need divine intervention. So your reaction is going to be crying and complaining. Matter of fact, you have Jesus in the boat resting. That's an insult to you.
Speaker 1:Master teacher, rabbi, why are you sleeping? Get up, you don't care. He said that because Jesus was asleep. So they will assume that because Jesus was asleep he didn't show any sign of concern, any sign of caring, any sign of compassion. But that is not true, because Jesus is full of compassion, jesus cares about you. The Bible says Peter says the same Peter I'm preaching because he was among them. Cast all your cares upon God because he cares for you. Teacher, you don't care. We are dying, we are dying, we are about to die. We are dying, we are dying, we are about to die, we are about to lose our lives. Teacher, get up and help us. Show some concern, show some sympathy. But look what it says as a reference Psalms 44, verse 23. Awake, why do you sleep, o Lord, arise, do not cast us forever.
Speaker 1:Even David himself taught that God is asleep in his situation and he's crying out to God, complaining to God, calling on God for God to awake, for God not to sleep for God to arise. Sometimes we think that God is asleep, especially when we're in deep situations in life, when we are in deep troubles, when the Bible says that God is a present help in time of trouble. Not a past help, not a future help, a present help in time of any trouble, no matter the complexity of that trouble, no matter the degree of that trouble, god is present, help to help you come out of that situation. Let's go to our next point D Jesus' response to the wind and the wave. Wow, jesus didn't overreact because he knew who he was. He is God himself. He is the son of God. He didn't just see himself as a human being. He is the word of God made into flesh. He pre-existed. Like I said in my previous message, jesus pre-existed creation. Jesus pre-existed his conception. Jesus knows who he is. He is the son of God. So Jesus respond, not overreaction, to the wind, to the wave.
Speaker 1:We're going to read that verse in Mark 4, 39. Look what it says. Then he arose and rebuked the wind and he said to the sea peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Oh, my God, let me read that again. Then he arose and rebuked the wind and he said to the sea peace be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. I Jesus didn't address first his disciples complaining and crying, acting as if he doesn't care.
Speaker 1:Obviously he cares why Jesus didn't address his disciples' complaints. Instead he went straight ahead. When he woke up, the Bible says he arose. He didn't address disciples right away and rebuke the wind immediately. I believe because of the urgency of the situation. Don't forget that the boat was being filled with water. If Jesus did not act immediately, indeed, I believe they will perish. I know God could do anything. I believe God could do anything. But if Jesus didn't act immediately, I believe the boat, all of them, would have drowned, maybe be alive again, because Jesus can raise the dead. But Jesus understood the urgency of the situation, that this is an urgent matter and he needed to deal with it right away. That is why Jesus didn't address his disciple complaints. Instead, he acted right away to resolve the windstorm and the wave storm because of its impact on all of them.
Speaker 1:What we see here in verse 39, we see the divinity of Jesus in display. We don't see the humanity of Jesus, we see the divinity of Jesus. Only God can speak to the wind and the wave, only God can speak to the air and the sea. Only God has the capacity, the power, the authority to speak to mother nature. Only God have the audacity and the authority to speak, not just to speak politely, calmly, but to speak with a commanding tone. He rebuked the wind and when it comes to the sea, he spoke peace to the sea. But to the wind, he rebuked the wind and spoke peace. Be still to the sea, two different words. This demonstrates his commanding authority and power over nature. Commanding authority and power over nature, the air, the windstorm, the sea, the wave, storm, natural disaster. Jesus has authority and the power over any natural disaster. Jesus has authority over natural disaster To seize them, to calm them.
Speaker 1:First, he took care of the windstorm. He rebuked that word rebuke. It means to reprove, denounce and express strong disapproval. He didn't speak kindly, politely, calmly, to the wind, the air. He rebuked the wind storm, Harshly, authoritatively, to state its claim that I have power over you, I am in charge of you, wind, so you better stop. This Demonstrates its commanding Authority Over the heavens, the air, because that's where the wind is coming from.
Speaker 1:We're going to look at other references in the Bible with regards to rebuke instances when Jesus rebuked. Also see in Mark, chapter 9, verse 25, that Jesus rebuked unclean spirits. This demonstrates is commanding authority over demonic entities and powers. We see in Luke, chapter 4, verse 39. Jesus rebuked fever. This demonstrates his commanding authority over sicknesses and diseases.
Speaker 1:Now let's look at the wave, storm, the sea. Now Jesus said to the sea peace, be still. He spoke calmly, softly, to the sea. Wow. To the sea, wow. This demonstrates his absolute authority and power over nature, to be specific, the sea. That word peace, it means to be quiet and be still, to be muzzled. Jesus silenced the sea for the sea to stop causing noise.
Speaker 1:Our next point E the wind and the waves recognition, respect and reception as a result of Jesus commanding authority over them. We are still going to read in this same verse 39. Let's see how the wind and the wave responded to Jesus commanding authority over them. The Bible says when Jesus rebuked the wind and Jesus spoke to the sea. The Bible says and the wind ceased and there was a great calm. And there was a great calm Along the way by the command and the spoken word of Jesus to the sea. The sea obeyed the commanding authority of the spoken word of Jesus, even the wind and the sea. They obeyed Jesus Christ. The wind and the waves recognized the commanding authority of the word of Jesus. They respect the commanding authority of the word of Jesus. They received that word and obeyed the commanding authority of the word of Jesus and, as a result, the wind had no choice to seize the sea, the wave had no choice to become.
Speaker 1:If we read the last verse of this account confirms the obedience of the wind and the sea to jesus. Look what it says. And they feared exceedingly. And they said to one another, not to jesus, because they're afraid to talk to jesus, because of their unbelief. So they spoke among themselves. Who can this be that even the wind and the sea obey him? They actually confirm the result of the wind and the waves Recognition, respect and reception of the commanding authority of Jesus over them.
Speaker 1:Let's move on to our next point F Jesus' response. There is no reaction of Jesus at all to his disciples. He has dealt with the windstorm. He has dealt with the wave storm. Now Jesus is going to address what lies behind the complaints. They were fearful, they didn't have faith. Look what it says.
Speaker 1:Jesus responds. But he said to them why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? Beneath their complaint, their cry is unbelief and fear. To bring this into our personal lives what lies behind our complaints, our concerns, our cares, our own beliefs and fears? And that is what Jesus wants to address in our lives. I am convicted with this. He said why are you so fearful? Why are you being a coward? Why are you afraid? Why are you timid? I am here, I am a present help in time of trouble. How is it that you have no faith? Not even faith like a mustard seed? You have no faith at all. That is a typical human reaction. I can put myself in the same boat as the disciples of Jesus. I am not going to say, oh, if that was me, I am going to act by faith. No, I am going to act in fear because that's my first human reaction. Except God helps me when I'm in that situation to live by faith, to act by faith, to understand that he is a present help in time of trouble, to understand that I have to be still and know that he is God, any given situation that you find yourself in. Child of God, Jesus wants to expel fear and encourage faith, expel fear and encourage faith.
Speaker 1:Finally, our last point G the disciples' revelation, recognition and reverence of Jesus. Now they're seeing Jesus from a divine point of view. Now their focus is on the divinity of Jesus. Before they were focusing on the humanity of Jesus. Look at your concluding statement. After Jesus have calmed the situation, after Jesus have rebuked, the wind spoke, peace be still to the sea.
Speaker 1:No reaction, but revelation, recognition and reverence of who Jesus could be. Even though they don't want to fully attest, affirm, acknowledge that Jesus is indeed God. That is why they concluded by saying who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him. Who can this be? They were too familiar with Jesus. The Bible says they fear exceedingly. See the, the humanness of his disciples, and I can relate to that. Sometimes, when people are speaking the truth to us, we tend not to look in your faces. That's exactly what's happening here. Jesus spoke truth to the disciples that they are fearful and they have no faith, and the Bible says they became exceedingly afraid and they spoke among themselves. Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him. That is the revelation they obtained and as a result of this revelation they obtain about Jesus, seeing his divinity rather than his humanity. They recognize that Jesus is not ordinary. Jesus is supernatural, jesus is God himself and there's that reverential fear that they have towards Jesus. That is why they spoke among themselves. They could not look unto Jesus, because now they see him as divine and they were afraid. They revere him, they worship him as the son of God.
Speaker 1:Before we conclude, I want to share some references in the book of Psalms to confirm the divinity of Jesus, that Jesus is God, his commanding authority over nature, to be specific, in this case, the air, the heavens and the sea, the windstorm and the wave storm situation that they were facing in the boat. Our first reference is Psalm chapter 65, verse 7. You who steal the noise of the seas, the noise of the waves, the turmoils of the peoples. Psalms, chapter 89, verse 9. It says you rule the region of the sea. When its waves rise, you still them. Wow, that's exactly what Jesus did. That is why Jesus pre-existed creation. Jesus pre-existed his conception. And I keep saying this see Jesus as divine, not just as human. If you see Jesus as human, you're going to be fearful the rest of your life. If you see Jesus as divine, you're going to have faith for the rest of your life.
Speaker 1:Psalm, chapter 93, verse 4. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea. Oh my God, powerful Psalms, chapter 104, verse 6 to 7. It says you cover it with the deep as with garment. 6 to 7, it says you cover it with the deep as with garment. The water stood above the mountains At your rebuke. They fled and the voice of your thunder they hastened away. Oh my God, jesus is God. He rebuked the wind, the wind ceased. He spoke peace to the waves of the sea and the sea became calm. Finally, before we pray, I want to read this powerful insight Listen and in control, as he commanded the windstorm and the wave storm to cease and created calmness during the challenging time while he and his disciples were in the boats.
Speaker 1:I don't know what you're going through right now, or I don't know what you have been going through, but I want to inspire you that Jesus is in control, that Jesus is God, that Jesus is in charge, that he is a present help in any given situation. Don't react in fear, just respond in faith and be still and know that Jesus is God. Help you to go through, to come through that windstorm, that wave storm in your life. In Jesus' name. Amen, father, I thank you for this word.
Speaker 1:I know, lord, that we have learned a lot. Thank you for the insight, the inspiration and instruction that you have given us Not to react in fear, but to respond in faith Lord, thank you for this revelation and, as a result, produce reverence of who you are and we recognize that you're not just a mere man, that you are the Son of God. We recognize your divine sonship, that you are God himself. Help us not just to see you from a human point of view, but to see you as divine as well. Help us to focus on your divinity, not your humanity.
Speaker 1:God, whatever it is, your daughter, your son, as they have listened to your word, live in faith while they are going through challenges in your lives. Lord, right now, I pray that you rebuke every wind storm in your lives. In the name of Jesus, I pray right now, lord, lord, that you will speak Peace, be still In any wave storm in your lives. In the name of Jesus, thank you in your precious and powerful name. We have prayed Amen. God bless you. If you are blessed by this message, feel free to share for Christ and let people's life be impacted. Don't forget to subscribe for updates for more teachings. God bless you.