Wisdom Grace

God Is Self: Sustaining, Sufficient, Satisfied, and Significant - God's Profile Series

Brahim M.Kallon

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This unpacks God's profound qualities of God: self-sustaining, self-sufficient, self-satisfied, and self-significant. It invites listeners to explore how these traits define God's nature and highlight our dependence on Him. 
• God exists independently of any external support 
• Self-sustaining nature emphasizes God's autonomy 
• God possesses infinite resources, being self-sufficient 
• Self-satisfaction indicates God's inherent contentment 
• Self-significance underscores God's intrinsic worth 
• Each quality teaches humanity about reliance on the divine

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Speaker 0:

We're going to look at four essential qualities of God. Number one God is self-sustaining. What do I mean by God is self-sustaining? God is able to maintain himself by his own strength, by his own effort, without assistance or attendance of anyone. So God is self-sustaining. God is able to live on his own. God is self-existing. He, god is able to live on his own. God is self-existent. He doesn't need oxygen to exist, he doesn't need blood to exist, because God is a living spiritual being.

Speaker 0:

If we look at Genesis 1, verses 1-2 as a reference point to explain this reality or this quality of who God is as self-sustaining, it says in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1 to 2, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of God was over and over the face of the waters. God on his own is able to exist. God on his own is able to function. God on his own is able to live by himself, without interference, without the hate, without the assistance, without the support, without the service of anyone. Angels cannot support God, humans cannot support God. Even what God created is not sufficient enough to support God. So God is on his own class by himself. John, chapter 5, verse 26,. It says for just as the father has life in himself, even so he gave the son also to have life in himself. God is able to live on his own. God is able to maintain and sustain his own existence without needing anything at all to hate him, without needing anything at all to aid him, without needing anything at all to assist him, without depending or relying on anything as something capable to keep God in existence. God has life on his own. God is life himself. We, as human beings, we need life and we have life, but God is life himself. Just like when we say God is love, god doesn't need love. God doesn't have love. God is life himself. Just like when we say God is love, god doesn't need love. God doesn't have love, god is love. So God is life, he doesn't need life, he doesn't have life. God is life himself. When we talk about life, we talk about God and as being life himself. He has given us his life, meaning that he is a source of the life that you and I, we, we have. He is the spirit, the breath that you and I, we're able to breathe to be able to exist. So without the breath of God we have no life. So we are dependent of God and God is not dependent on us. God is completely independent, without anyone, without anything.

Speaker 0:

So let's continue to look at scriptural references to highlight what I mean by God is self-sustaining. Jeremiah, chapter 10, verse 10. It says but the Lord is a true God, he is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath, the outquakes and the nations cannot endure His ignatiation. So God is the living God. In order for something to sustain itself, it needs life. So God doesn't need life. God is life. So God doesn't need life. God is life because God is the living God, he is the everlasting God, god is eternal. So God is a self-sustaining one.

Speaker 0:

Isaiah, chapter 55, verse 15, it says For thou says the high and exalted one who lives forever, whose name is holy. I dwell on a high and holy place and also with the contract and lowly of spirit, in order to revive the spirit of the lowly. So God lives forever. God lives forever because God is life. Matthew 16, verse 16, it says we don't serve a dead God, we serve a living God, and God has been living since eternity. There is no date. There is no time, there is no space, there is no matter when it comes to God's existence. God is a self-existing one and God sustains himself.

Speaker 0:

Let's go to our second point of one of the quality or reality of who God is in the context of self. God is self-sufficient. What do I mean by that? God is able to meet his own needs, wants and desires without outside assistance or outside service or outside support. He is more than enough, he is above enough. God is not limited or lacking in anything. God is not limited in resources. God is not lacking in resources. God is more than enough, god is above enough. So God is a self-sufficient one. He has surplus of himself. We, as human beings, we have limits, we have lack, and we are not self-sufficient. There's that emptiness in our heart, there's that limitation in our lives, but when it comes to God, there's no emptiness. God is completely full, god is completely fulfilled. God is completely sufficient. God is completely enough.

Speaker 0:

Look what the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3, verse 5. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God. Wow, powerful. Which clearly shows that we, as human beings, we are not self-sufficient. Only God has such a wonderful quality of being self-sufficient. He is more than enough, he is above enough. Look what it says in Psalm, chapter 50, verse 12. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine and all and all it contains. God owns everything. He owns the entire universe. Whatever is in heaven, he owns it. Whatever is on earth, he owns it right. So God has everything, he possesses everything, god. If God is hungry, god doesn't have to tell us that he's hungry. If God is thirsty, god doesn't have to tell us that he's thirsty because he owns everything. There's no need in God, because God is constantly sufficient.

Speaker 0:

Now let's go to our third point. God is self-satisfied, powerful. What do I mean by? God is self-satisfied, able to be pleased with oneself, able to be delighted in oneself, able to be content. So God is pleased with himself. God doesn't need your approval. God doesn't need your assurance. God doesn't need your confirmation. God doesn't need your validation. God doesn't need your affirmation. God doesn't need your credibility. God is self-satisfied. God is very, very pleased with himself. Even when Jesus Christ was being baptized by John the Baptist, the Bible says the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove sat up on the shoulder of Jesus Christ, and then the Bible says that God spoke. Everybody could hear him and he said to Jesus Christ this is my beloved son, in whom I'm very pleased. So God is pleased with Jesus Christ. Because God is pleased with himself.

Speaker 0:

God doesn't need you to do anything to make him happy. He is self-satisfied, he is self-contained. He is very, very pleased with himself, with who he is, with his qualities, with his authority, with his power, because God is fully successful. God is fully satisfied. God's happiness and joy and fulfillment is not dependent on anything or anybody. He is well able to please himself. He is well able to have joy. He is well able to find fulfillment, full of himself, not in a negative sense, but in a sense that God is self-sustaining, self-sufficient and self-satisfied. God is full of everything. He does not need the conditions or the circumstances to be right for God to be self-satisfied. No matter the situation, no matter the condition, god is still God. God is still self-satisfied.

Speaker 0:

Last point, to describe a tremendous quality and reality of who God is. God is self-significant, meaning that God is able to be valued, that God is able to be valued. God is important, not based on outside factors, based on human applause, not based on human values, not based on human standards, not based on society. God is self-significant. God is full of worth. God is full of value. God is full of dignity, god is full of reverence. That is why you and I will worship him because of his worth, of his splendor, because of his majesty. The value of God, again, is not dependent or it's not determined by the value that we place on him as human being. The value of God is not determined by the value that angels or demons place on God. God is self-significant, god is self-important, god has self-worth of himself and he gets it of himself. And God is the most significant person on this earth because God is self-significant. You and I, we get our significance, our essence from God. Our identity, our value, our worth, we get it from God. Our purpose, we get it from God, whereas God has all this wonderful attribute worth, essence, dignity often determines the worth of God, because God is already full of worth.

Speaker 0:

Exodus, chapter 3, verse 14,. God says to Moses I am who I am. And he said thou, you shall say to the sons of Israel I am has sent you. That's a powerful statement of who God is. I am who I am. I am the greatest, I am the brightest, I am the wisest. I am the most important person on the face of the earth. I've always been and I will continue to be I am. I am the most significant person. Life revolves around me. Life does not revolve around anything or anybody. Life revolves around God. God is the center of it all.

Speaker 0:

Look what it says in John, chapter 8, verse 58. Jesus said to them truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am the children of Israel. They're trying to compare Abraham with Jesus Christ, but look, because Jesus is God and is the son of God, he was saying that, guys, before Abraham, I am the same, I am. Statement that God made in the whole testament is the same I am. Statement that Jesus is also making. Before Abraham, I am. Jesus was pre-existed. Abraham pre-existed creation, pre-existed his human conception. Because he is God, he is self-significant.

Speaker 0:

Look what it says in Jeremiah, chapter 23 to 24. Thou, says the Lord, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches, but let him who glories glory in this, that he All the things that we can attain, all the things that we can accomplish. God is saying we should not take glory in our wisdom, we should not take glory in our resources, we should not take glory in our might, in our strength, in our riches. But if we're going to take glory, because we know God and what we know about God is that God is self-sustaining, god is self-sufficient, god is self-satisfied and God is self-significant and we're completely dependent on God. We rely on God because God is all that and we are not all that. We desire sustenance our living life, our living existence. We need to be sustained. We desire to be sufficient, to be enough. We desire to be satisfied in life, we desire to have significance in life. God is a source of our sustenance, he is a source of our sufficiency, he is a source of our satisfaction, he is the source of our significance. In closing, god is independent and has no unmet needs. This is what separates God from you and I. God is on his own league by himself. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are the ways of God higher than us. He is our potter. We are the clay. He is our creator. We are the ways of God. Higher than us. He is our potter, we are the clay, he is our creator, we are the creatures and God is God all by himself.

Speaker 0:

Psalms, chapter 102, verse 25 to 26. It says of old you founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Even they will perish, but you endure, wow. And all of them will wear out like garments, like clothing. You will change them and they will be changed, but you are the same and your years will not come to an end Powerful. Everything that God has created is dependent on God for God to sustain it, whereas God doesn't need what he has created, he lives on, he doesn't change, he is the same God of yesterday, today and forever. Look what it says in Revelation, to close with this verse, chapter 1, verse 8. It says I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is, who was and who is to come. The Almighty God bless you.

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Brahim Mansa Kallon